Why you should never use the internet
Overview The Situation Infiltration Characteristics Techniques Detection Prevention
The Situation: Shit Just Got Real The players and the game has changed Criminal organizations* Governments** Profit/Politically driven Cyber weapons FBI vs Coreflood Professionally developed User manuals MaaS *may or may not be organized ** may or may not be criminals
Infiltration Legitimate (compromised) hosts Direct: Wordpress hacked Indirect: Advertisements Exploit Packs Search Engine Optimization hacks Breaking news Celebrities (Snookie causes infections) Social Facebook, Twitter, etc
Characteristics (the lines have blurred) Virus Trojan/Backdoor Rootkit Scam/Scareware/Randsomware Password stealers Worms
Techniques API Hooking Run-time Patching Boot sector modification Browser Content replacement
API Hooking Allows malware to intercept Windows API calls Can be done in user or kernel space, but in kernel space it’s much more powerful
API Hooking Program KERNEL MODE USER MODE DeleteFile[A|W] NtDeleteFile ZwDeleteFile System Service Descriptor Table SSDT
API Hooking: Example Program KERNEL MODE USER MODE DeleteFile[A|W] NtDeleteFile ZwDeleteFile System Service Descriptor Table SSDT fakeDelete
API Hooking Allows rootkits to do a lot of nasty things Hide processes/files Hide networking (to a degree) Basically take over your system Fairly straightforward to implement However, it is easy to detect
Run-time Patching Replaces API calls with your own by patching the API routine itself Can achieve the same goals as API hooking, but harder to detect
Run-time Patching: Example Target Code
Run-time Patching: Example Detour JumpMalicious Code Target Code Jump Back
Run-time Patching Very tricky to implement Harder to detect You have to scan the memory space If it’s not permanent, an offline analysis isn’t very helpful
Boot Sector Modification Changes boot sector code to load an alternative boot loader This boot loader can change the way Windows boots, including disabling checks and protections Can be difficult to remove (and detect)
Browser Content Replacement Allows the malware to modify what you see and send in your web browser Can replace forms, POST data, POST locations, hide data… “View Source” does nothing: modifications are done in memory HTTPS is not relevant
Browser Content Replacement: Zeus botnet From the user manual: “Intercepting HTTP/HTTPS-requests from wininet.dll (Internet Explorer, Maxton, etc.), nspr4.dll (Mozilla Firefox) libraries: 1. Modification of the loaded pages content (HTTP-inject). 2. Transparent pages redirect (HTTP-fake). 3. Getting out of the page content the right pieces of data (for example the bank account balance). 4. Temporary blocking HTTP-injects and HTTP-fakes. 5. Temporary blocking access to a certain URL. 6. Blocking logging requests for specific URL. 7. Forcing logging of all GET requests for specific URL. 8. Creating a snapshot of the screen around the mouse cursor during the click of buttons. 9. Getting session cookies and blocking user access to specific URL.”
Detection AV (loosing race) Monitor outbound communications TCPView Netstat Border monitoring Outbound watching IDS (snort) System Internals TCPView Procmon RootKitRevealer
Detection: GMER Rootkit detector Detects: Hidden processes, hidden files, hidden DLLs, hidden registry keys, hidden* SSDT, IAT, EAT hooks MBR modification Suspicious drivers …lots more
Detection: GMER
Prevention Update software (not just Windows) Windows 7 (x64) EMET Uninstall Adobe Reader Chrome/Firefox VMs/Linux/OSX
Further Information Blogs F-secure: Sophos: Inreverse: Online tools Virus Total: Anubis: Samples: Malware domain list: Offensive Security:
LayerOne Hacker con at the Anaheim Marriott May Hardware Hacking, Lockpicking, Contests $100 online, $140 at the door
References 2010 Websense Threat Report: report-2010-introduction.aspx?cmpid=prbloghttp:// report-2010-introduction.aspx?cmpid=prblog Verizon 2011 Data Breach Investigations Report: investigations-report- 2011_en_xg.pdf?&src=/worldwide/resources/index.xml&id= investigations-report- 2011_en_xg.pdf?&src=/worldwide/resources/index.xml&id Microsoft Security Intelligence Report v10: Book: “The Rootkit Arsenal”, by Reverend Bill Blunden Book: “Malware Analyst’s Cookbook”, by M. Ligh, S. Adair, B. Hartstein, M. Richard Book: “Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering”, by Eldad Eilam MSDN Documentation: