Religion and prejudice Lesson Objective: To review the topic in preparation for summative assessment
Key terms PrejudicePre-judging a person before you know them DiscriminationTreating someone differently because of prejudice StereotypingA fixed mental image about a group. Believing all members of a group are the same HarmonyPeople being able to live together peacefully ToleranceAccepting people for who they are and the way they live
Examples Studies have found we are far kinder judges of other people if we find them attractive we tend to believe that attractive people are kinder and more intelligent than their less photogenic counterparts. If we hold a particular belief about someone, we will look for evidence that supports our theory while conveniently ignoring any facts that don't fit.
Positive discrimination gives people from disadvantaged and under- represented groups preferential treatment
The law 1976 – Race Relations Act. Illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, colour or nationality. Commission for Racial equality set up to deal with complaints
1975 – Equal Pay Act. Men and women to be paid on an equal basis 1975 – Sex Discrimination Act. Jobs could not be advertised just for men or women. Also equal opportunities for promotion.
Types of prejudice 1.Race 2.Colour 3.Religion 4.Sexuality 5.Disability 6.Age 7.Gender 8.Lifestyle 9.Class 10.Looks
Causes Ignorance Stereotyping Scapegoating The Media Fear of the unknown Influence of parents Past experiences which are generalised Ignorance Stereotyping Scapegoating The Media Fear of the unknown Influence of parents Past experiences which are generalised
Christian responses All people are created by God – Sanctity of life. All life is sacred and precious. God created man in his own image. Jesus taught that we should ‘love thy neighbour.’ The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches against racism. The golden rule – ‘treat others how you would want them to treat you’
Women and the Church Adam was created first. Eve was his companion Jesus disciples were all men. Tradition. Jesus treated women well and with equality. He said his message was for both men and women. St Paul – ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female for we are all one in Christ Jesus. St Paul – ‘Women must not speak in Church’
Martin Luther King Leader of Civil Rights Movement Non-violent protest Led the Bus Boycott after the arrest of Rosa Parks Held speeches to promote his Christian message of equal rights for all Worked to achieve equality in the areas of education, voting and to stop segregation in public places.
Buddhism and prejudice Ahimsa – ‘do not harm any living thing Metta – develop loving kindness through meditation Eight-fold path – Right action, Right speech, Right mindfulness Buddha nature – all human life is precious
Christianity and Prejudice The parable of the Good Samaritan – teaching us to love our enemies as our neighbour Jesus said to treat one another as you would like to be treated Christianity believes that Jesus gave his life for others – all sinners Jesus associated with outcasts who were rejected by society, also with minorities and people he was not supposed to.