P14215 AUTONOMOUS WANDERING AMBASSADOR What is the project about? The objective of this project is to modify a currently remote controlled robot so that it can be both autonomous and remote controlled. In doing so, the robot should have the capability to navigate autonomously without causing harm to any person or damaging any objects in its path. In order to improve upon the previous version of the robot and make the robot more user interactive, sonar and IR sensors will be implemented to avoid obstacles. In addition to the sensors the robot will be able to navigate autonomously using an RFID reader and other sensors to move on its own through the third floor of the Kate Gleason Engineering Building. CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Customer Rqmt. # DescriptionComments/Status CR1Detect RFID tagsUse RFID tags to use tracking of zones on the robot CR2Avoid Obstacles Use different sensors so the robot can navigate through obstacles CR3 Move at human walking speedUsing a different gear ratio CR4Allow user interaction Essentially put some sort of camera on the robot for streaming CR5Test P13215 specificationsGain familiarity with all boards CR6 Move autonomously from one point to anotherAvoid obstacles when moving to a different RFID tag CR7Manual ControlAdapt remote control using a PS2 controller CR8 Compute fastest route to the next RFID tagsUse arduino math to compute fastest route rqmt. #SourceFunction Engr. RequirementUnit S1CR3Robot SpeedSpeed of about 0.3 m/sm/s S2CR1RFID Unit Able to recognize robot's location S3CR2IR Sensors (short range) Able to detect object from 0 to 1 feetV/m S4CR2Sonar Detection Robot functions as expected when an object obstructs the path of the robot.in S5CR5Verify robot's current functionalityrevise and verify the code S6CR4Webcam system Stream video at least 30 fps at 720pbit/sec S7CR6Controls accuracy Ensure that turning and distance traveled are accurately monitored by robotmm S8CR6, CR8Pathing system able to calculate the shortest path in give area S9CR7Control system improvement long range control system without delay or interuptm Michael Gambino – Hardware Specialist Nick Nguyen – Software/ Hardware Specialist Apurva Shah – Project Leader Peichuan Yin – Electrical Specialist Customer & Guide: George Slack Team Members ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS Throughout this project the team as a whole was fortunate to have great support from the Electrical Engineering Department as well as help from various people and departments in the Kate Gleason School of Engineering. There was a rather large learning curve when developing the different schematics as well as looking at what was already built and implemented on the robot. During MSD I, multiple code reviews were held just to understand the basis of connecting the Panda Board to the server at RIT. While MSD I was mostly documentation and learning about the robot a plethora of bench marking was also completed. As a team boards were tested, circuits were made, as well as prototyping was done. This was all part of the process to figure out what the best parts and boards would be used to run an efficient robot. Due to the high success rate of this project and meeting the customer specifications another recommendation to a future team would be to develop an application for an android or iPhone users to control this robot. It would be highly encouraged to have a computer or software engineer on the team to refine the code that was developed by this team as well as support the development of the application. Function Decomposition System Design User End Interface Screenshot Sensor Installation