High-Fidelity Prototyping HCDE 518 & INDE 545 Winter 2012 With credit to Jake Wobbrock, Dave Hendry, Andy Ko, Jennifer Turns, & Mark Zachry
Agenda Announcements Lecture – HiFi Prototyping Break – 5 mins Discussion – Practical HiFi prototyping techniques Discussion questions Next class
Announcements No class next Monday (President’s Day) Questions?
Overview Hi-Fi Interface Prototyping Experience Prototyping Wizard of Oz Practical Hi-Fi Prototyping Techniques
Experience Prototyping The key is making the interactions and experience as authentic to the real thing as possible Typically a Hi-fidelity experience Use Wizard-of-oz to save time and avoid complicated implementation
Wizard of Oz A method of testing a system that does not exist From Gould, Conti & Hovanvecz, Comm ACM 26(4) 1983. Wizard of Oz A method of testing a system that does not exist the listening typewriter, IBM 1984 Dear Henry Speech Computer What the user sees
Wizard of Oz A method of testing a system that does not exist From Gould, Conti & Hovanvecz, Comm ACM 26(4) 1983. Wizard of Oz A method of testing a system that does not exist the listening typewriter, IBM 1984 Dear Henry Dear Henry Speech Computer What the user sees The wizard
Name Origin From the book & movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZR64EF3OpA&feature=related
Important Note Up until the point the wizard is discovered, the thoughts, feelings, and actions of Dorothy and the others were all genuine They were genuinely experiencing what it would be like to talk to a powerful and terrible wizard
Wizard of Oz Human ‘wizard’ simulates system response good for: interprets user input according to an algorithm controls computer to simulate appropriate output uses real or mock interface wizard sometimes visible, sometimes hidden “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” good for: adding simulated and complex vertical functionality testing futuristic ideas
WoZ Example - Sketch-a-move http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-XNwam3LOs
Other WoZ Examples Eye Toy prototype: Virtual Peers for Autism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZUQqssE7Jk Virtual Peers for Autism http://www.articulab.justinecassell.com/projects/samautism/index.html
P4: Hi-Fi Prototyping Due March 7th in class and on CollectIt Iterate on your design from P3 to a more high-fidelity interactive prototype Can be PowerPoint, HTML, programming, etc. Must simulate the experience of using it Conduct another usability evaluation with 2-3 participants (can be same participants as before) Demo prototype during final class presentation
Practical Prototyping Tools Creating Hi-Fi, semi-functional prototypes with minimal effort PowerPoint Prototyping UX-Specific Tools Axure, Balsamiq Photoshop + HTML/Dreamweaver Visual Studio OmniGraffle Hardware Prototyping (Arduino, Phidgets)
PowerPoint Advantages: Disadvantages: Almost everyone has it Ubiquitous format Fast and easy to use Can use hyperlinks to simulate interaction Disadvantages: Must be used at a computer e.g., difficult to do mobile-based interactions Somewhat limited functionality Cannot be reused for final implementation
Example Prototypes http://www.boxesandarrows.com/files/banda/interactive/SamplePrototype.ppt http://courses.washington.edu/info360/examples/powerpoint-prototype-example.ppt Tutorial: http://www.boxesandarrows.com/view/interactive
Axure A commercially available wireframes maker/prototyping tool Free license for students http://www.axure.com/ Contains good documentation and tutorials Advantages Great for websites Can transition from wireframe->Prototype->Functional system Can automatically generate design specs
Examples - Axure Website: http://share.axure.com/W2D1BW/ Demo video: http://axure.com/features
Balsamiq Mockups Another commercially available prototyping tool Free trial, or $79 to buy Advantages Can make lo-fi appearing prototypes that are interactive http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups
Photoshop Advantages Disadvantages Can look & feel like real thing Needs use of HTML to simulate interactions
Photoshop Tools Download iPhone template: Android Template: http://www.teehanlax.com/blog/?p=1628 Android Template: http://chrisbrummel.com/google-android-gui-psd More free PS widgets: http://www.greepit.com/2009/03/25-free-psd-resources-for-designers/ To do screen shots (saves to clipboard) Windows: alt+print screen button Mac: Command-Control-Shift-3
Visual Studio Advantages: Disadvantages: Fast to put together interfaces Can evolve into a fully functional prototype Disadvantages: Requires programming knowledge to start creating interactivity Windows only
OmniGraffle Vector based diagramming and prototyping tool allows you to import ‘stencils’ that work to build complex images
Hardware Prototyping Great for making devices “off the screen” Arduino Phidgets
Arduino Prototyping tool for physical devices Allows you to interface with hardware and for physical devices to communicate with your computer http://www.arduino.cc/
Arduino Project example Snore-detecting pillow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmFLO-fjGsU&feature=related
Phidgets “Physical Widgets” Easier than Ardunio Sliders, buttons, sensors, lights, RFID, motors, etc. Easier than Ardunio Uses snap-in and USB Only requires basic knowledge of Java programming http://www.phidgets.com/
Phidgets Example – Gumball Machine
Phidgets – Interactive Flower http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VJA8CPT-DQ
General Tips There are more tools here than you can learn to use proficiently Find out what's currently being used by companies, researchers, or in jobs you'd like to do Take the time to learn one or two prototyping techniques very well Perhaps your P4 assignment can be a good start
More Resources Overviews of rapid prototyping tools: http://www.adaptivepath.com/blog/2009/03/24/rapid-prototyping-tools/ Your classmates’ R6 posts
John’s Discussion Questions Should low-fi prototypes be developed entirely by designers, entirely by developers, or by a team representing both areas of expertise? Why? Is the answer different for high-fi prototypes? Can a low-fi prototype involve coding/functional interaction? Or does this make it high-fi by definition? When you're designing a screen-based application, the interactions can be relatively easy to sketch out in low fidelity in such a way that most of the user experience is captured/conveyed. This is much more difficult with a tangible, interactive product, where the physicality defines much of the experience. Is there really such a thing as a low-fi prototype for such a product? Or is there a baseline of somewhat-high fidelity that must be reached before the prototype becomes a useful representation?
John’s Discussion Questions The Houde and Hill article argues that storyboards can be prototypes. Do you agree? Or, put another way, does something need to have a degree of interactivity to transcend from sketch to prototype? Rudd et al. briefly touch on the very important distinction of horizontal and vertical prototypes. Is one 'better' than the other? When might you want to use each kind? Rudd et al. present a fairly dichotomous view prototyping divided into low-fi and high-fi. Is this division granular enough? Or is further distinction useful? For example, think about Experience Prototyping -- is this just another way of framing high-fi prototyping? Or is there a useful difference?
Next Class Topics Monday, February 20th Wednesday, February 22nd No class (President’s Day) Wednesday, February 22nd Empirical Evaluation Discussants: Jessica & Sarah Upcoming Work R7, P3
Group Project time