FY Administrator’s Recommended Budget Workshop
County Mil Value Estimated Growth in Mil Value Fiscal Year2%3%7% , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,113 Fiscal YearMil Value , ,053
Revenue Summary (Gen. Fund) Revenue Source FY2015 Adopted FY2015 Forecasted FY2016 Recommended Property Tax$26,171,355$26,252,257$28,154,517 Other Local Taxes2,100,0002,045,9552,100,000 Licenses and Permits4,289,5754,997,0974,346,300 Intergovernmental3,637,6334,061,7134,344,921 Charges for Services2,798,4502,619,2612,902,750 Fines & Forfeitures857,250846,283933,750 Interest Income20,50036,58225,500 Other Revenues78,500265,621165,712 Other Financing Sources20,000465,00025,000 Sale of Capital Assets-20,000- Fund Balance1,084, ,032 Total$41,057,263$41,609,769$43,510,482
Fund Balance (Gen. Fund) Fund Balance (Total) Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014$20,407,023 Forecasted Increase (Decrease) (1,005,000) Estimated June 30, 2015$19,402,023 Unassigned Fund Balance June 30, 2014$16,940,776 Estimated June 30, 2015$15,935,776 Recommended Fund Balance Assigned for FY16 (465,000) Estimated FB fiscal year ended 6/30/2015 $15,470,776 Percentage of FY2015 Original Budget 38%
Personnel Adjustments County-Wide Salary ChangesAmount Bringing employees with 10 years to market$182,495*.5% Cost of Living Adjustment$82,254* *cost excludes fringe benefits impact Dept.PositionSalary/Fringe Cost 144 FIREFIGHTERS8 SAFER GRANT $400, SHERIFF2 DUI GRANT $123, Total Cost $524, Previously Grant Funded Dept.PositionSalary/Fringe Cost 023 FINANCEBUDGET ANALYST $66, SHERIFFLASO $71, ITIT ASSISTANT $60, Total Cost $198, Positions added in FY15
Changes to Department Funding 005 Non-Departmental ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Retiree Insurance $195,000 $225,000 $30,000Several new retirees Medical Indigent Fund 186, ,950 (40,392) Controlled externally Insurance-General 751, ,839 75,16810% Increase Total Change $64, County Council ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues $45,000 $40,000 $(5,000) Trend Contractual Services380,000506, ,650 Springs Hospital increase Special Projects 30,000 18,000 (12,000) Grants Match 225,000300,000 75,000 Upcoming grants Total Change $184,650
Changes to Department Funding 012 Council Transfers ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Recreation $1,000,557 $1,048,027 $47,470 Increased participation Airport50,000 63,783 13,783 Transferred PT employee Total Change $61, Direct Assistance ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Public Defender $189,500 $195,000 $5,50012 month salary for new hire Soil & Water 56,000 70,67114,671 Salary adjustment and dam maintenance Delegation 20,000 Mandated Council on Aging 20,000 30,500 10,500Match funds for 1 bus Sixth Judicial Court 251, ,000 5,50012 month salary for new hire USCL39,904(39,904) Total Change $16,267
Changes to Department Funding 021 ADMINISTRATOR-No major changes 022 ATTORNEY-New department 023 FINANCE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $339,520 $435,457 $95,937 Library transfer and Budget Analyst 024 HUMAN RESOURCES-No major changes 025 RISK MANAGEMENT-No major changes
Changes to Department Funding 026 MIS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $40,000 $126,954 $86,954 Library transfer and IT Assistant funded in FY15 Contractual Services 145, ,000 15,000Increase for antispam Software Maintenance 245, ,000 49,000Antivirus and antimalware Total Change $150, GIS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $107,375 $71,925 $(35,450) Transferred employee to Assessor Contractual Services 25,000 15,000 (10,000) Total Change $(45,450) 029 ZONING ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Demolition $50,000 $80,000 $30,000Restore FY15 cut
Changes to Department Funding 031 BUILDING-No major changes ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $71,600 $98,000 $26,400UDO Rewrite, COG, RFATS Advertising 10,000 22,050 12,050Zoning map advertising Total Change $38, PLANNING 035 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT $444,713 $515,227 $70,514 GIS Transfer and Mapping clerk Wages & Salaries PT21,000 31,000 10,000Reassessment Total Change $80, ASSESSOR ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Transfer $432,351 $392,351 $(40,000)Deducted Alliance
Changes to Department Funding 061 CIRCUIT COURT-No major changes 044 TREASURER ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $(5,000) 045 DELINQUENT TAX-No major changes ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT $63,000 $80,000 $17,000Primaries, additional polls 051 REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 060 REGISTER OF DEEDS-No major changes 043 AUDIT-No major changes
Changes to Department Funding 068 CORONER-No major changes 064 FAMILY COURT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change DSS Incentive $75,000 $47,032 $(27,968)Trend 069 PROBATE COURT ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services $4,000 $13,525 $9,525State mandated 070 MAGISTRATE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change PDC Jurors $15,000 $10,000$(5,000)Trend 063 CLERK OF COURT-No major changes
Changes to Department Funding 110 SHERIFF ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues $54,500 $60,000 $5,500New staff training Utilities-Telephone 84,000 89,000 5,000Indian Land substation Maintenance-Vehicles127,000140,00013,000Cover additional vehicles Gasoline367,000354,000(13,000)Trend PS Legal55,000Transfer from salaries Lease-Copiers30,00035,0005,000Installation at IL substation Total Change $15, SHERIFF-KERSHAW-No major changes (Reimbursed) 120 DETENTION CENTER 121 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS-No major changes (Reimbursed) ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$40,000$50,000$10,000Trend
Changes to Department Funding 130 COMMUNICATIONS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$70,000$105,000$35,000Call volume Maintenance Service61,00051,000(10,000) Total Change$25, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-No major changes 141 FIRE SERVICE ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Travel, Training, Dues$33,000$49,500$16,500Transfer Equipment-Capitalized42,000 Transfer Utilities-General145,000160,00015,000Trend Special Projects116,325136,32520,000Transfer DS-Lease Purchase300,000221,500(78,500)Transfer Total Change$15,000
Changes to Department Funding 142 KERSHAW FIRE (Reimbursed) ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT$29,000$15,000$(14,000) 144 LANCASTER FIREFIGHTERS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Overtime$56,000$70,000$14,000Call volume Wages & Salaries PT25,00030,0005,000Call volume Total Change$19,000
Changes to Department Funding 153 LANCASTER EMS ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries FT$2,062,120$2,133,599$71,479 $3 increase for medics, county wide adjustment for rest Overtime850,0001,290,000440,000Call volume with 3 shifts Wages & Salaries PT170,000120,000(50,000)Trend-difficulty finding staff Travel, Training, Dues54,00060,0006,000Paramedic school cost increase Supplies-Clothing40,00048,0008,000Trend Maintenance-Vehicles126,200136,0009,800Suspension upgrade Maintenance-Service73,00083,00010,000Trend Total Change$495, ROADS & BRIDGES ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Wages & Salaries PT$7,500$(7,500)Mower transferred to Airport Maintenance-Vehicles200,000220,00020,000Trend Total Change$12,500
Changes to Department Funding 210 FLEET OPERATIONS-No major changes 312 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Gasoline$120,000$100,000$(20,000)Trend Contractual Services465,000435,000(30,000)IL site Disposal Contract1,175,0001,300,000125,000Fees continue to increase Total Change$75,000 ItemFY15FY16DifferenceJustification for Change Contractual Services$172,000$178,0006,000Lighting for Judicial Center 251 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 310 LANDFILL-No major changes
Changes to Department Funding 330 HEALTH SERVICES-No major changes 610 VETERANS AFFAIRS-No major changes 840 LIBRARY-New department 601 DEPT. OF SOCIAL SERVICES-No major changes 602 D.S.S. FAMILY INDEP.-No major changes 318 ANIMAL SHELTER-No major changes
Capital Improvement Fund Dept.ItemAmount 021 AdministrationVehicle$25, MagistrateVideo conferencing equipment18, SheriffFleet400, FirePickup Truck55, EMSTwo ambulances & two QRVs554, Roads & BridgesTandem dump truck175, Building MaintenanceDoors & frames- Animal Shelter25, Solid WasteRoll-off Truck175, RecreationGym floor replacement70,000 Total $1,498,000
Recreation Fund 801 REC. OPERATIONS ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$45,000$30,000$(15,000) Wages & Salaries PT-Other25,00035,00010,000 Supplies-Materials/Bldg.45,00050,0005,000 Utilities-General179,348194,19414,846 Building Renovations10,00015,0005,000 Maintenance-Parks12,00020,0008,000 Total Change$27, REC. PROJECTS ItemFY15FY16Difference CP-Park Development$10,000$(10,000) CP-Ballfield Lights20,000(20,000) Total Change$(30,000)
Recreation & Airport 815 REC. PROGRAMS ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$469,994$532,210$62,216 Program Exp. Recreation407,294474,69667,402 Total Change$129,618 Total Rec. General Fund Transfer$1,000,557$1,048,027$47, AIRPORT ItemFY15FY16Difference Wages & Salaries PT$10,500 Total Airport General Fund Transfer$50,000$63,783$13,783
Admin. Committee Priorities Dept.ItemRecurring CostsCapital Exp. 110 SheriffFour Deputies$237,780$178, SolicitorAttorney$75, Public DefenderAttorney$75, Parks & RecIL Program Supervisor$51, SheriffExpungement Clerk$39,406 Total $478,397 $178,308 Personnel ItemCost SMS4 Storm water $60,000 Service truck at PW$50,000 Brush truck for Fire$50,000 5 SUV/ Pickup - replace$125,000 Total$285,000 One Time ItemCost Historic Jail roof repairs EMS Station generators$86,000 Building Analysis$40,000 ETV-Lancaster History$26,000 Total$152,000
Staff Recommended Priorities ItemRecurring CostsOne time Four Deputies$237,780$178,308 Attorney$75,000 Attorney$75,000 SMS4 Funding$60,000 IL Program Supervisor$51,211 Expungement Clerk$39,406 Subtotal$478,397$238,308 Total$716,705 ItemCost EMS Station generators$86,000 Service truck at PW$50,000 Brush truck for FD$50,000 5 SUV/ Pickup - replace$125,000 Contingency List for December ItemCost Historic Jail roof repairs Building Analysis$40,000 ETV-Lancaster History$26,000 Total$377,000
~The vision for Lancaster County is to be a great place to live, learn, work, worship, play and raise a family~