BBC6521 Introduction for 2015/16 Projects Matthew Tang Website:
2 Electric Erhu Hardware Development Projects Music Jukebox on Raspberry Pi Light Painting Air Drum
3 Slide-n-Tag Photo App Hand-written Schematic Capture Software/Phone Apps Development Projects Pentatonic Keyboard App
Themes of My Projects 4 Microcontroller System Design (Arduino, MCS-51, Zigbee) NFC/Bluetooth Phone applications Assistive tools for electronic designers Digital musical instruments / softwares Learn, Build, Program, Evaluate, Improve You may... learn a new platform of design/development (development boards, interface circuitries, etc.) pick up a new style of programming low-level programming (Assembly, C)microcontroller programming (slower clock, less memory) Android APIs successfully design and build a system / an application with your own hands
THANK YOU Feel free to talk to me after the presentations if you are interested!