Malware Spyware & Viruses
Overview What does it look like? What is it? How can you prevent it? What can you do about it when you get it?
What’s wrong with mymy computer ?
Symptoms of Malware Pop-up adds increase Home page changes without your consent Unusually S-L-O-W system Screen image does unusual things (upside down/reverses) Rude messages may appear Unknown icons appear in the bottom of the screen bottom of the screen
MALWARE Name of the “bad stuff” that gets into your computer. And there is all kinds of bad stuff out there!!
Adware is annoying. But serious danger to your computer lies in Viruses & Spyware
VIRUS Computer viruses, like biological viruses, can replicate themselves.
Viruses can take over your computer.
Serious Consequences of Viruses Virus - a hidden program that reproduces and destroys portions of a computer’s storage, memory or network: Infects files (hard drives & floppy drives) Invades operating systems Targets memory storage (RAM & boot sectors)
SPYWARE malicious tracking of software that users are unaware of.
Serious Consequences of Spyware Spyware - hidden software that tracks user’s Internet habits: Can lead to identity theft! Steals personal information & address book Uses your computer as a secret server to broadcast undesirable files (i.e., pornography)
How can I prevent it? Passwords Don’t know = Don’t open Avoid Spam Advertised Products Pop-up Boxes Use Safe Browsers –Firefox / Opera
How can I prevent it? Install security software /$$$ –Anti-virus –Anti-spyware –Firewall
How can I prevent it? Download /install security updates and patches
Computer Clean-Up Remove any programs that you do not need or did not add. Restart your computer in safe mode. Disable the system’s restore. Clear the cache of cookies. Run a virus scan. Update the computer’s virus protection. Back up your files.
REFERENCES Department of Academic Information Technology. (2007). Malware: The Enemy Within Retrieved from Retrieved from McAfee, Inc. (2008). McAfee’s 10-Step Internet Safety Plan for Your Family. [Power Point Slides]. Retrieved from Online Web Site: us/local/docs/McAfeeInternetSafetyPlan.pdf us/local/docs/McAfeeInternetSafetyPlan.pdf us/local/docs/McAfeeInternetSafetyPlan.pdf Mystic Network Solutions. How Do I Remove Viruses From My Computer?. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from the World Wide Web: Net for Beginners. (2009, January). Spyware-Malware Retrieved from NewsTiger Direct. (2007, January). Viruses, Spyware and Malware Retrieved from Primeweb Computer and Website Services. Computer Clean Up Tutorial. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
REFERENCES CONTINUED Spyware Prevent Guide. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from: Ten Steps to Malware Prevention. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from: University of Vermont. Safe Computing Malware Clean-up Guide. January 18,