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Presentation transcript:


How did the stock market do in the 1920s? 100

It went way up. 100

When the stock market goes up it is called a ________ market. 200

Bull 200

When the stock market goes down it is known as a ________ market. 300

Bear 300

When a stock is bought on credit, it is called what? 400

Purchasing on margin. 400

Write a typical business cycle starting with prosperity. 500

Prosperity- Recession- Depression- Recovery 500

What was a camp where homeless people lived called during the Great Depression? 100

Hooverville 100

Who was president when the stock market crashed? 200

Herbert Hoover 200

Hoover believed that the best way of helping people was to get what going? 300

The economy 300

What was the Bonus Army? 400

A group of unemployed WWI veterans who wanted to wanted to get their bonuses early 400

Who were the two presidential candidates in the election of 1932? 500

Hoover and Roosevelt 500

FDR promised to use the power of what to improve the lives of Americans during the depression ? 100

The government 100

What were the Sunday radio addresses that FDR had with the American public on Sundays called? 200

Fireside Chats 200

What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in her husband’s administration? 300

She was very active. She met with many of FDR’s political allies. 300

What was the main purpose of the FDIC? 400

To protect people's bank accounts. 400

What were the three main goals of FDR’s New Deal? 500

1.Create Jobs 2. Spur Economic Activity 3. Provide for the basic needs of the citizens 500

The Dust Bowl impacted what part of America? 100

Great Plains 100

Who came up with the Share the Wealth Program? 200

Huey Long 200

Give two reasons why many business leaders were against the New Deal? 300

1.It stunted free enterprise. 2. It was a move toward socialism 300

Give two examples of how the TVA helped people who lived in the Tennessee Valley. 400

1.Provided electricity 2. Stopped flooding and soil erosion 400

What are the two ways that the Social Security Act are paid for? 500

1.Payroll tax on businesses 2. Taxes on workers wages 500

How did the Great Depression impact Europe? 100

It hurt their economies badly. 100

What was the main purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps? 200

To provide jobs for single men. 200

Why did FDR want to add to the number of supreme court justices? “Pack the Supreme Court” 300

He was afraid that the Supreme Court would find many of his New Deal policies to be unconstitutional. 300

Why did Japan gain military strength in the 1930s? 400

To gain territories for natural resources. 400

Define deficit spending. 500

When the government borrows money because it is spending more money than it is taking in. 500