Problem #1 Problem #2 Problem #3
There are 35 people at a party. Everyone is a doctor or a lawyer. Everyone is a woman or a Republican. All of the doctors are men. 16 are doctors. 11 are women. 9 are doctors and lawyers. 28 are Republicans. How many are lawyers?______ How many men are not doctors?_______ clue
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Everyone at a party is a doctor or a lawyer. All of the doctors are women. All of the doctors are Irish. There are 50 more women than doctors. There are 40 more men than doctors. 64 are Irish. 21 men are Irish. There are 131 lawyers. 15 are doctors and lawyers. How many people are at the party?_______
Everyone attending a pet owners’ convention has either a cat or a dog and some have both. Everyone who owns a cat also owns a bird. Everyone who owns a cat also owns a gerbil. None of the women owns a dog. There are twice as many men as women. 15 men own cats. 82 of the attendees own birds and 90 own gerbils. 5 own cats and dogs. 18 own only dogs. 102 own birds or gerbils. How many people attended the convention?____ How many men own gerbils?_________