1 CALIPSO Status and Plans Dave Winker Winds Working Group, June 2009, Wintergreen, VA
2 CALIPSO Highlights Baseline 3-year mission completed, mission extension approved Switched to backup laser, March 2009 Third anniversary of “first light”: 7 June > 120 CALIPSO papers in print or submitted JTech special issue on CALIPSO instruments and algorithms JGR special issue “CALIPSO and the A-train” underway –35 papers submitted and under review Joint CP-CS science team meeting, July, Madison
3 CALIPSO Data Used in 47 Countries USA China Japan (as of Sept 2008)
4 JTech special issue on CALIPSO algorithms 8 papers now in press –Winker et al., 2009: Overview of the CALIPSO mission and CALIOP data processing algorithms –Hunt, et al. - lidar instrument and performance –Powell, et al.- Lidar 532 nm calibration –Liu, et al. - Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination Algorithm –Young and Vaughan - extinction retrieval algorithm –Vaughan, et al. – layer detection algorithm –Hu et al. - Version 3 I/W phase algorithm –Omar, et al – aerosol typing algorithm Several more papers underway: –CALIOP detection –IIR and WFC instruments and algorithms
5 Laser/Data Production Status LOM-2 turned off 16 Feb 2009 –Laser operation became erratic due to slow pressure leak in canister LOM-1 turn-on operations commenced, 9 March Data acquisition with LOM-1 since 12 March LOM-1 performance as-good or better than initial LOM-2 –LOM-1 pressure holding well (better than predicted) Data acquired since 12 March has now been processed, to be released soon Current processing: L1 using Version 3 code, L2 using V2.02
6 LOM-2 Pulse Energy Trend 1.61 billion shots on-orbit energy decreased 6.5% (14.7 mJ) 10 (out of 192) bar drops over life no adjustments required adjustment threshold
7 Laser Energy Comparison 7
8 Laser Canister Pressure 8
9 CALIOP Version 3 Data Products Current version: 2.02 Version 3 data products to be released soon –All lidar data from beginning of mission will be reprocessed Level 1 data –Goal for calibration uncertainty, radiometric stability: 5% –Improved 532 nm daytime calibration >30 km Rayleigh calibration can only be done at night >Daytime uncertainties improved from 10% to 5% –1064 nm calibration: significant biases remain >Initial approach using cirrus targets determined to be unreliable >Investigating new approaches (sea surface, etc.) –Version 3 processing of March-May 2009 completed >Level 1 data to be released this week
10 CALIOP Version 3 Data Products (cont’d) Level 2 data –New: >particle depolarization, particle color ratio >IWC/IWP, shape parameter (ice), column OD –Uncertainties provided for most parameters –Many bugs fixed –New I/W phase algorithm: adds random and oriented ice –Aerosol and cloud profile products restructured and improved >Aerosol horizontal averaging reduced >Many additional parameters >Data quality information now included
11 Restructured Profile Products Version 2 profile products: –Profiles of aerosol and cloud 532 and 1064 extinction and backscatter only –Cloud profiles reported at 5 km –Aerosol profiles averaged to 40 km Both aerosol and cloud profile products now retrieved at km and reported at 5-km horizontal resolution Additional profiles: –532 nm perpendicular backscatter and particle depolarization –Aerosol/cloud mask –Aerosol/cloud type Data quality information –CAD score –Ext_QC flag –Feature type QA flags
12 Boundary layer cloud clearing In Version 2, clouds below 4 km not cleared properly Cloud-contaminated aerosol classified as ‘cloud’ Cloud-clearing scheme fixed in Version 3
13 13 Trade cumulus scene V2.01 V3 (correct) cloud aerosol
14 Impact of bug fixes on low cloud distribution Version 2.01 Global mean = (low clouds) Version 3, alpha-3 test Global mean = (low clouds)
15 Fractional change, V2.01 alpha-2
16 Penetration statistics Zonal average penetration frequency (5-km average profiles) Global average (single shots) CALIPSO LITE 6 km 58% 90% 4 km km Sfc CALIPSO LITE orbit 705 km 260 km energy 110 mJ 500 mJ
17 Version 3 Ice/Water Phase Algorithm (Yong Hu, et al., Optics Express, 2007) water ice IAB Oriented crystals HOI water ROI (Yong Hu, et al., JTech, 2009)
18 Reduced artifacts in cloud Ice/Water phase Number of ‘ice’ clouds with tops below 3.25 km Oriented ice now properly classified (HOI water in V2) Version 2.01 Version 3
19 I/W phase algorithm: Zonal fraction of ice, water V2 (Jan) V3 (Aug)
20 CALIPSO clouds vs. LMD GCM clouds CALIPSO LMD GCM
21 CALIPSO provides new tests of model aerosols East Pacific ( W) CALIPSO GMAO RAQMS East Asia (110E – 130E) monthly zonal mean extinction(courtesy C. Kittaka)
22 Looking toward a long-term lidar data record Potential CALIPSO life through 2012/13 The WMO-GALION program has recognized that a long-term record from ground lidars is necessary to provide a translation between the CALIPSO and ADM/EarthCare aerosol records As part of GALION, the EARLINET network has been taking ground-based measurements beginning in July 2006 CALIPSOADMEARTHCAREACEImpacts Launch /142020? ObjectiveAerosol and cloud windsAerosol and cloud LidarbackscatterDopplerHSRL Wavelength532/ /532/1064Aerosol properties Depolarizationyesnoyes I/W phase, dust