Scientific workflow management system based on Ptolemy II Allows scientists to visually design and execute scientific workflows Actor-oriented model with directors acting as the main workflow engine Enables different models of computation
Modeling flow of data from one step to another in series of computations to achieve some scientific goal
Software system for modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems developed at UC Berkeley Objective: “ The focus is on assembly of concurrent components. The key underlying principle in the project is the use of well-defined models of computation that govern the interaction between components. A major problem area being addressed is the use of heterogeneous mixtures of models of computation. ”
Directors Actors Ports Relations
Directors control execution of workflow Actors are executable components of a workflow (scheduling, dispatching threads, etc) Directors govern execution of Actors
Actor-/Dataflow Orientation vs Object-/ Control flow Orientation
Every Kepler workflow needs a director Execute networks of components under multiple execution models › Synchronous vs. Parallel vs. Dataflow vs. time-based vs. event-based vs. all combined Computation model dictates semantics for component interaction
Make use of separation of concerns › e.g., component execution, workflow execution and provenance tracking Managers acts like “common execution environment” › governing different concerns related to execution of network and services
CT – continuous time modeling DE – discrete event systems FSM – finite state machines PN – process networks SDF – synchronous dataflow DDF – dynamic dataflow SR - synchronous/reactive systems
Reusable components that execute variety of functions Communicate with other actors in workflow through ports Composite actor – aggregation of actors Composite actor may have a local director
Top level workflows can be conceptual representation of science process Drilling down reveals increasing levels of detail Composing models using hierarchy promotes development of re-usable components
Each actor implements several methods › initialize() – initializes state variables › prefire() – indicates if actor wants to fire › fire() – main point of execution Read inputs, produce outputs, read parameter values › postfire() – update persistent state, see if execution complete › wrapup() Each director calls these methods according to its model
Copy actor – copy files from one resource to another during execution › Stage actor – local to remote host › Fetch actor - remote to local host Job execution actor – submit and run a remote job Monitoring actor – notify user of failures Service discovery actor – import web services from a service repository or web site Rexpression actors MatlabExpression actors Web services actors – Given WSDL and name of an operation of a web service, dynamically customizes itself to implement and execute that method Database connection and query actors
Ports used to produce and consume data and communicate with other actors in workflow › Input port – data consumed by actor › Output port – data produced by actor › Input/output port – data both produced and consumed
Direct same input or output to more than one port Example: direct output to 1. display actor to show intermediate results, and 2. operational actor for further processing
Execution Options: › inside GUI › at command-line › distributed computing
Kepler components can be shared by exporting workflow or component into a Kepler Archive (KAR) file (extension of JAR file format) Component Repository is centralized system for sharing Kepler workflows Users can search for components from repository from within Vergil
Kepler provides direct access to scientific data archived in many of commonly used data archives. › Ex. access to data stored in Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) Metacat server and described using Ecological Metadata Language. Additional supported data sources › DiGIR protocol, OPeNDAP protocol, GridFTP, JDBC, SRB, and others.
Kepler ships by default with: › Globus actors › GridFTP actors No BES implementation* Job submission to openPBS, G-lite Kepler actors capable of using Unicore by Euforia (Poznań SC) TeraGrid gateways exists that use Kepler
Actor Data Polymorphism: › Add numbers (int, float, double, complex) › Add strings (concatenation) › Add complex types (arrays, records, matrices) › Add user-defined types
Distributed execution of workflow parts (peer to peer) Efficient data transfer Provenance tracking of data and processes Tracking workflow evolution Streaming data analysis Easy-to-deploy batch interfaces Intuitive workflow design Customizable semantic typing Interoperability with other workflow and analytical environments (at exec level)
Ecology › SEEK: Ecological Niche Modeling and climate change › REAP: Modeling parasite invasions in grasslands using sensor networks › NEON: Ecological sensor networks; COMET: Environmental science Geosciences › GEON: LiDAR data processing, Geological data integration › NEESit: Earthquake engineering Molecular biology › SDM: Gene promoter identification and ScalaBLAST › ChIP-chip: Genome-scale research; CAMERA: Metagenomics Oceanography › REAP: SST data processing; LOOKING/OOI CI: ocean observing CI › ROADNet: real-time data modeling and analysis › ATOL: Processing Phylodata ; CiPRES: Phylogentic tools Chemistry › Resurgence: Computational chemistry; DART/ARCHER: X-Ray crystallography Library science › DIGARCH: Digital preservation; UK Text Mining Center: Cheshire feature and archival Conservation biology › SanParks: Thresholds of Potential Concerns Physics › SDM: astrophysics TSI-1 and TSI-2 ; CPES: Plasma fusion simulation; ITER-EU: ITM fusion workflows