HISTORY NAP.e Unit II/B/14 Since 2002 several political initiatives by the european health ministers to improve the nutritional situation in Europe Many countries had implemented national nutrition strategies Austria followed 2010 Many good projects, but: no networking no coordinated planning and controlling no evaluation of the effectiveness no overview of „best-practice“ examples no evidence-based effect- and action-catalog
NUTRITION FACTS Unit II/B/14 1.Balanced diet = keystone for health and wellbeing 2.Nutritional status among the population in Austria is still inadequate (Data from the Austrian Nutrition Report 2012) Increase of overweight and obesity among school-children and adults Increase of underweight among elderly people (17%) Inadequate nutrition behaviour among all age groups ↓ Carbohydrates, fiber, vegetables, fruits, dairy products ↑ Meat & meat products, sweeties, snacks
WHY NAP.e? !Measures to improve nutrition can not be ordered top down! Federal organisations within health-, education- and care- systems – ACCORDED STRATEGIES! Nutrition = intersectoral issue – relevance in different policy fields – CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION, TRANSPARENCY HEALTH IN ALL POLICIES... NAP.e Austria Health Targets (Goal 7 Nutrition) NAP.e National Nutrition Commission (NEK) Unit II/B/14
MAIN GOALS OF NAP.e Till 2020: Visible improvement in the prevalence of diet-related diseases and/or corresponding determinants and at least establishing a hold of the rising figures for overweight and obesity. Nutrition Goals: Adequate energy intake; Optimization of fat quality & fluid intake Intake of TFA & SFA, salt & sugar Intake of fruits & vegetables, complex carbohydrates & fiber MAKE THE HEALTHIER CHOICE THE EASIER ONE ! Unit II/B/14
NAP.e INITIATIVES I Preventive actions on situational level Legal provisions Austrian trans fatty acids regulation Voluntary agreements Austrian salt initiative (cooperation with the bakery industry) Widespread nutrition strategies Austrian Prevention Strategy EU-co-financed activities School fruit program Unit II/B/14
NAP.e INITIATIVES II Preventive actions on behavioural level Food based dietary guidelines Austrian food pyramid for children, adults & pregnant women Media campaigns Leaflets and brochures Special projects “Healthy eating from the start” Consumer information websites Food Check (Coop with a Consumer Organization) Nutrition Page of the Federal Ministry of Health Unit II/B/14
WHAT`s THE CLUE? Mix of measures, which are implemented in a culture and gender specific and setting oriented way and embedded in broad cooperations Unit II/B/14
NATIONAL NUTRITION COMMISSION (NEK) Interdisciplinary advisory body for the minister of health Platform for networking for stakeholders in the nutrition sector Broad composition (29 institutions) for example... other ministries universities & nutrition specific institutions professional associations social partners 3 workings groups & 3 task forces Unit II/B/14
NAP.e-Logo as quality- and identification label for all initiatives of the NAP.e