WHAT IS SERVICE-LEARNING? It is a method of teaching that combines formal instruction, learning and reflecting with a related service in the community.
BENEFITS OF SERVICE LEARNING Gain hands-on experience (possibly leading to an internship or job later) Develops critical thinking and problem- solving skills Develops civic responsibility through active community involvement. Teaches positive values, leadership, citizenship, and personal responsibility Empowers students as learners, teachers, achievers and leaders
L OWNDES C OUNTY A NIMAL S HELTER I took time to volunteer a few hours at the Lowndes County animal Shelter. I played with, took care of, and bathed some of the cats and dogs that were there.
R ELAY F OR L IFE Relay for Life is a community event that lets people come together and celebrate with those who battled cancer and remember those who lost. Friends and I raised money at the Relay For Life. We walked the track, participated in many activities, and volunteered in the FYE tent.
S ARA AND ME (: I attended the Pink Out football game to raise breast cancer awareness. Everyone was wearing pink in honor of those who have fought the battle with breast cancer and to remember those who have lost the battle.
T ENNIS ! I supported the VSU Tennis Team when I bought one of their T-Shirts! I went to almost every game and cheered on the players while representing my favorite team!
O THER C OMMUNITY S ERVICE Cookies for Cancer- There was a bake sale to raise money for kids with cancer. Valdosta Superstar- I helped set up tables and serve the food at the American Red Cross banquet. Pancake Day- Anybody who went on IHop on international pancake day received a free plate of pancakes, and a donation box was placed at the front of the restaurant. All funds went to the Children’s Miracle Network.
W HAT I GAINED FROM IT : It gave me confidence to talk to different people. I made some new friends from my newly gained confidence. It gave me opportunities to help out in my community. I was able to lend a hand while doing something I loved at the animal shelter. It taught me better team skills and that working together is beneficial.
T HE END ! (: