Edelstone Lab & Computing
An Nguyen
Staff An Nguyen Dewan Frazier
Staff An Nguyen Dewan Frazier William F. Rall
Office is located by blue lockers Our hours are 9 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. Contact Info:
What we do AV & Lecture Capture in Classrooms Edelstone and classroom facilities Computer Based Testing Student computing support Computer lab Departmental computer support Telemedicine Other duties as assigned
Our Services for Students Assistance with computers, printers, scanner, and software in student lab Help you set up wireless access for campus Assistance and troubleshooting for personal computers (virus, spyware) Advice on computer hardware or software purchases File recovery when possible
Back Up Your Data! Everyone loses data Questions of WHEN not IF Use an external drive, burn to DVD, save to UIC web disk or Google Docs, etc Otherwise, this will be you: This guy took sample sounds from a dying hard drive and built a song around it for a contest run by Gizmodo. He didn't win, but I prefer this one to the winning song.
Physical plant issues Lost and Found OSA main desk Student Center West Temperatures Variable Wear Layers Clocks Not so accurate Doors Do not prop
Physical plant issues Food and Drink Edelstone Fridges Microwaves
Physical plant issues Food and Drink Edelstone Fridges Microwaves Unwanted visitors
Wireless computing at UIC Much of our building and campus has wireless access Can print to campus printers Requires some configuration/set up For more info: You can do it yourself but see us if you have issues
COM Student Computer Lab 25 PCs and 6 Macs 5 Printers Four fast black & white HP laser printers One color printer
COM Student Computer Lab Variety of standard software MS Office, Photoshop, statistical, etc Scanner/Copier by blue lockers Free scanning to USB sticks
Printing: U-Print system File, Print Go to ANY print station on campus Login to see list of all documents you requested to be printed Select item to print Have 12 hours before the job is gone Can print from wireless as well
Printing: U-Print system Charges – If you exceed your quota, add money to iCard using Dragon $
Printing: U-Print system If you don’t use up your $15 quota, you lost it at the end of the semester. It is NOT from your fees. You get three $15 quota allocations per year: Fall, Spring and Summer. It does not rollover. Starts at the beginning of each semester on the first day of classes. Bad print? Give us a cover sheet for a refund or we can send it through again without charge.
Echo recordings
Supplement not replacement Primarily for review You can subscribe to these Faculty can opt out Patient videos Pre-publication research
Echo recordings These lecture recordings are protected by state common law and federal copyright law. You may not copy this material, provide copies to anyone, or make any other use than personal review without prior permission from the faculty member.
Blackboard – Class materials available online
Blackboard – Each course may be set up differently Register for classes! Some courses post test scores or final grades Read syllabus; contact course director; lecture recordings will be linked here May need MS Powerpoint or Acrobat Reader to read presentations We have one for general College of Medicine use
Other Campus Computing Labs Goldberg building (N.E. corner Taylor & Damen) Student residence halls Charge for wireless access in dorm East side of campus (Main Library, SEL and other locations) Same software as Edlestone Computer lab Same U-Print system with same $15 quota
ACCC – Provide central computer support to the UIC campus community Network, wireless and internet connectivity Blackboard, public labs, classrooms , calender, accounts and passwords
Software: webstore.illinois.eduwebstore.illinois.edu Microsoft Office $FREE Microsoft Windows Upgrade $FREE Symantec Anti-Virus $FREE Adobe products (Reduced cost) Statistical software and more (prices vary)
Hardware & Software: MicrostationMicrostation Dell and Apple computer includes reduced priced laptop bundles see an online price? Take to MicroStation Some parts and accessories DO NOT BUY Microsoft Software here Located in the bookstore or at SCE
How to get started Set up for UIC Wifi Sign up for listerv Configure laptop for campus printing UIC account on Mailserv SPAM filters Install Antivirus Blackboard.uic.edu Contact course directors as needed
Once you’ve settled in Check out study spaces Home Broadband – make sure you can access library resources off campus AntiSpyware Spybot, AdAware – We are available for help
Questions? – HelpDesk line From the College of Medicine home page, click on Current Students, then Edelstone Computer Center or go to For this presentation, from the Edelstone Web page, click on Student Orientation Slide Show