European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013 Rui Figueira Digitarium, Joensuu, Finland, March GBIF Portugal
content Only collection data, no observation data 5 providers, 7 collections ~87,789 records, 5162 with coordinates, 65% from other countries European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8 Pré-node establishment status:
node The Tropical Research Institute (IICT) promotes tropical knowledge by pursuing interdisciplinary research of relevance to countries in tropical regions. It has a special mandate towards the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) Foundation of Science and Technology appointed the Tropical Research Institute (IICT) to be Portuguese Node (signed protocol, dec 2012) Publication in the national official journal (in preparation) European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
infrastructure IICT has built a deep knowledge on biological collections, based on the botanical and zoological missions, mainly in African Portuguese Speaking Countries. Collections for several groups including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibian, mussels, insects. GBIF provider since Ongoing programs for collection cataloguing GPI, Tropical Digital Repository (ACTD) European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
team Yuri BinevRui Figueira Node ManagerICT MSc in Organic and Analytical Chemistry from University of Sofia and PhD from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Specialized in chemo- and biodiversity informatics, software and web development Biologists, MSc in Georesources, Technical University of Lisbon, PhD in Biology, University of Lisbon. Ecology, biodiversity informatics, lichenology and biomonitoring. And one more collaborator in the near future, biologist (aff.), for documentation and user support... European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
participation Potentially 2,5 million records corresponding to specimens in NH collections, in 17 institutions; Of these, 7 of the largest institutions (representing more than 50% of all specimens) are members of NatCol consortium; Plans for participation for 2013 already agreed for 2 institutions (MNHNC and ISA) Workshop on Scientific Collections in mid january, with 150 participants from 50 institutions, agreed on common strategy, and consider GBIF.PT as data infrastructure facility European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
Launch of the GBIF.PT portal – March 2013 National survey to update 2006 information on national institutions Two workshops in 2013 – IPT and Data Uses (including GBIF data portal) highlights & bootlenecks European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
% % % 36% Zoology All collections Nº of collections Percent of specimens Botany Microbiology Limitation: Institutions' capacity to cataloge in a rapid pace highlights & bootlenecks European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8
future developments & needs Prepare portuguese versions for key documents and tools Promote collaboration with Brazil and the engagement of other Portuguese Speaking Countries Integrate data visualization in the portal Learn from other nodes how GBIF was relevant for answering to common needs: ex. requirements of European directives Habitats directive, Birds Directive) European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2013, Joensuu, March 6-8