Portuguese Project
Measure: Work-Life Balance
AFEP – Parental Education Association Developed for the education and investigation on parental education. AMA – Women´s Action Association Education and promotion of women´s rights and family policies DIA Portugal Supermarkets A chain of supermarkets with about 300 stores in the country, belonging to the Carrefour Group ITAU – Human Food Technical Institute Dedicated to collective food business Psychology and Education Sciences University Prestigious Public University in Lisbon, responsible for the evaluation of this project. Who are we?
Needs Assessment Methodology Focus Group 3 Scales
Focus Group Participants 9 Workers 63
Scale 228 Participants from Lisbon and Setúbal Districts
Scale Work-Family Conciliation Work-Family Conflict Time Work-Family Conflict Strain Work-Family Positive Influence “I feel I don’t have enough time to fulfill my responsabilities at home due to the time I have to spend on my career” “The stress from my job often makes me irritable when I get home” “Talking to someone from my job helps me work out my family issues”
Scale Work-Family Conciliation Family-Work Conflict Time Family-Work Conflict Strain Family-Work Positive Influence “The time I spend with family responsabilities often interferes with my work responsabilities” “Due to stress at home, I am often worried with family matters at work” “My family life helps me relaxing to face up to a new working day”
Scale Company workers involvement Restricted involvement, based only on economic or material resources’ exchange High involvement, based on socio-emotional resources’ exchange Appropriate involvement receiving possibility of personal and professional development, offering an effective performance “Dia-Minipreço has the duty to give me work only as long as it needs me” “Dia-Minipreço has the duty to be concerned with my well-being” “Dia-Minipreço has the duty to support me in order to obtain de best possible performance level from me”
Scale Workers well-being Comfortable Calm Relaxed Motivated Thrilled Optimistic
Scale Results There are time management difficulties and time occupied by work has a negative interference on the family; Family life has a professional life positive interference; Workers involvement is based on a socio-emocional relationship. They consider that they receive respect, personal and professional development opportunities and self-realization; There are as many workers thrilled and comfortable with their work, as others where this doesn’t happen;
Scale Results The relational psychological contract has a positive influence on the work-family conflict. Workers whose organizational relationship is based on socio-emotional resources felt more conciliation difficulties, particularly, more conflicts between work and family, in terms of time and strain; Work-family conflict has a negative influence on the workers’ well-being.
Conclusions of Needs Assessment Work-Family Conflict < Well-Being How to decrease? Parental Training Time Management New work organization forms
Develop personal and social skills (namely parental) in the co-worker, in order to enable him/her to better find Work-family Conciliation solutions ; Develop in the organizations a Work-Family Conciliation policy that, fits the needs of the workers, meets the company’s culture and the goals that it set. Through a transversal intervention at all hierarchical levels. Our Objectives:
Activities Experimentation of Sensibilization Models of conci- liation skills Experimentation of Parental and Time Management Skills Education Experimentation of New Work Organization Forms Evaluation of the activities’ impact on the fight against absenteeism and for the increase of productivity
In order to face competitiveness we need people involved with the work but Efficiency does not have to be, necessarily, a synonym of Work- Family Conflict
SMSm Project Influence the people, with the purpose of reducing the conflict Influence the organization, to reinforce the conciliation culture
Work-Family Sensibilization sessions for 70 Supermercados Dia Portugal, S.A. workers Formation Sessions for 72 Store Managers from Supermercados Dia Portugal, S.A. Responsibilities within the Family Time Management What have we already done? Formation Sessions for 36 workers from Itau Intervention on workers through company memos/boletins
THERE ARE INFLUENTIAL RESOURCES PERSONAL EFFICIENCY RESPONSIBILITIES: Iniciative Optimism Creativity Time management Self-knowledge Decision making Emotional Balance … … …