EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 FEW WORDS ON AUGER-EUSO Presented by Osvaldo Catalano
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Usual AUGER-EUSO comparison (2 different techniques involved: PS vs. FD) What about comparing AUGER-EUSO using the same technique i.e. FD AUGER vs. FD EUSO ? Little investigation on this subject follows AUGER vs. EUSO
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 AUGER FD PERFORMANCE 85% of events in STEREO 10% duty cycle Turns out: 3 E eV 1 E 2*10 20 eV 1 ev/10 E 5*10 20 eV FD - AUGER vs. EUSO EUSO 330 E eV 200 E 2*10 20 eV 150 ev/3 E 5*10 20 eV
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 FD - AUGER vs. EUSO Torpedo progression eV eV10 20 eV AUGER eV eV10 20 eV EUSO
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003
CONCLUSION EUSO indeed helpful to AUGER for FD events cross check
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 TEO STATUS Presented by Osvaldo Catalano
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Power budgets Read-out Control Board Secondary power 1.2 W (20% contingency included) Operating voltage ± 5 V,+3.3 V, ±5% ripple Trigger Control Unit Primary power 11 W x 2 units (10% contingency included)
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Mass budgets Read-out Control Board 420 g (20% contingency) Trigger Control Unit 9.5 kg/unit (based on boards/unit, 20% contingency)
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 ESA MTR Q/R EUSO-EL-SP-001: & – Presence of high speed links between front-end ASICs and RO&C board – potential long signal wires The cables between front-end ASIC and RO&C board will be less than 20 cm long. However the signals exiting from the ASIC are digital signals.
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 EUSO-EL-SP-001: – Front-end ASIC already well defined, however, the higher level electronics ( at micro- and macro-cell level and beyond ) not detailed. Do the microcells contain any circuitry or is it just a convenient definition? Are the logic elements going to be implemented in FPGAs? If so, what kind is envisaged and how many would be needed? Any micro-cell is made of (as described in section 4.3.2) : 1) the sensors; 2) the LCS; 3) the voltage dividers; 4) the front-end electronics chip; 5) the connectors for HV/LV, signal and controls; 6) the base-board, a thick PCB housing all the other components; 7) any other required structural or functional element (e.g. components required to help heat transfers away from the micro-cell). Macro-cell logic elements: Quantity Description Package k x 8 IC memory32 pins FlatPack 4 512k x 8 IC memory36 pins FlatPack 6LVDS I/F 16 pins FlatPack 1FPGA 256 pins CerQuadFlatPack 2-554HCXX (glue logic)16 pins FlatPack 1ADC 8 bit 16 pins Flat Pack 18 channels Analog MUX16 pins FlatPack 3OP amps TO99 1Voltage ReferenceTO99 Passive components not included (most of them on bottom side of the PCB); ASIC I/F (AFEE & DFEE) not included; Preliminary list covering about 80% of estimated needs.
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 EUSO-EL-SP-001: – It was good to see a simulator exists for simulating the various triggering circuits and analyze the false alarm rates. It would be good to expand these simulations to include real events which need to be detected. One of the outputs would be to show the amount of data processing required at the various trigger levels up to the amount of data to be downloaded. Simulators exist for simulating the various triggering circuits and analyze “fake” triggers. The outputs of the simulated trigger condition have driven the M.C. “ event” simulations. Work is in progress to estimate the data processing required at the various trigger levels up to the amount of data to be downloaded.
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 WORK PLAN TO END OF PHASE A Read-out Control Board components breakdown Trigger Control Unit breakdown Update of the related documents
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 AS STATUS Presented by Osvaldo Catalano
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 LIDAR CONFIGURATION
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Mass & Power budgets Laser 70 kg Telescope 20 kg Coelostat 30 kg Detection module 40 kg TOT 160 kg
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 ESA MTR A/Q Numerous questions from MTR panel See livelink document “General_ReplyTOComments”
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 WORK PLAN TO END OF PHASE A Mass and power budgets including contingencies Detailed design of the receiver, transmitter and coelostat mechanism Update of the LIDAR document
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 System Electronics - TEO Presented by Osvaldo Catalano
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Draft of the updated “Phase A Specification and Design Document for the EUSO Electronics” available. Draft of the document will be circulated later on Comments, suggestions and corrections expected by the 9 th of June Documentation status
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 TEO News “Analog” trigger included in the trigger scheme Persistency algorithm revisited taking into account possible “holes” in the persistency pattern Trigger Simulation (including diffuse background) on progress
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 What next Design of a Trigger emulator on small scale under way (in view of trigger algorithm verification and improvements) Breadboard of ROC board foreseen at the beginning of phase B
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003 Support Activities - Background Background Measurement with BABY balloon flights ( ) BABY 2002 launched the 11 July (clear sky- Moonless) Change of Background expected in presence of clouds ( ?? %)
EUSO General Meeting – Huntsville May 2003
BABY detector and now UVscope available for new BKG observations (if needed) BABY already suitable for operating in Space. Little modification for UVscope (mainly mechanics envelope) Pick-a-back (for ex. Shuttle) viable? What next?