The initial state of the banner is a system of two blocks: the player with the video of the essence of the campaign and the model of sex selection for users to move to the next step.
After selecting the sex, video player module changes to the module of switching images of Levi's style, downloadable from the project website by API. Module of sex turns into a self-image generation unit, which consists of spaces for randomly placed things (for each sex separately). The things can be dragged and dropped.
After assembling favorite items formed a combination where every object has its own importance and contributes to the characteristic of the user. Module for images of other users is always in sight to motivate and stimulate creativity.
After assembling and analyzing the resulting combination system is formed with the output characteristic of the user, and a combination of graphically transformed into the image of Polaroid photographs and moves down. Photo appear with the social buttons opportunity to publish the resulting combination of social networks.
Need to develop the border style for the video. Video itself should be presented in MP4 format with the separately enclosed audio track in MP3. The video must be dubbed in Russian. Must submit icons sex determination and user style switch. Also the text style and background. You must provide an internal color banner or background texture, style and position of the logo design of the external border of the banner and the substrate, separating the banner on the background of the site.
For switching the module of images of other users, you must develop a frame for loadable pictures, buttons to navigate between images, the zoom button image, the icon "download” and button to go to the site. Need to develop a sex icon and its position to the step of assembling things in the image.
Need to develop a style of the task header and background, style of blocks to move things in the composition and prepare the sets of clothing for men and women (pictures in high resolution): accessories, clothes, shoes.
Need to develop a style of text of characteristics, appearance of photo in Polaroid style, branded signature for the look and style of the social buttons.
General requirements: 1.layout should be submitted in the format of photoshop (PSD) 2.raster objects must be in high resolution 3.resolution of the layout at least 144 dpi and all raster images have a size of 2 times more for retina displays 4.vector objects must be represented as a smart object 5.Please eliminate the effects of blend mode 6.The guidelines Must be shown 7.The fonts must be included 8.All layers in the layout should have logical layer names and grouping in the named folders