Tempus & Erasmus Mundus Information day Ashgabat, 27 November 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Tempus & Erasmus Mundus Information day Ashgabat, 27 November 2010

Erasmus Mundus - objectives  Enhance the quality of European HE through international co-operation  Improve the development of human resources  Promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures  Promote Europe as a centre of excellence in learning around the world

Policy context  programme aims 3 Promote European Higher Education Promote intercultural understanding Improve career prospects of students Erasmus Mundus Programme EU External Relation Policies Bologna Lisbon / EU 2020 Strategy

Erasmus Mundus - what does it offer?  Action 1 - Joint Programmes (including scholarships)  Action 2 - Partnerships (including scholarships)  Action 3 - Promotion of European HE

Erasmus Mundus - what does it offer? Action 1 - Joint Programmes  Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)  Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs)  Full-study scholarships for students and researchers of exceptional quality (worldwide)  Scholarships for academics to teach on EMMCs

What is an Erasmus Mundus joint programme? A course (masters or doctorate)… developed and delivered by a consortium of universities… located in at least three European countries and… co-ordinated by a European university (non- European universities can be partners)

EMMC/EMJD must: be an integrated programme in all its aspects award a fully recognised degree include a mandatory mobility component be fully recognised by June 2012

EMMCs/EMJDs: common features Framework partnership agreement covering 5 editions Financial support for: –the management of the joint programme –a fixed number of individual scholarships / fellowships Two types of scholarships / fellowships –Category A: non-Europeans –Category B: Europeans

EMMC scholarships (Category A) Category A scholarships Scholars scholarships I Contribution to travel and any other types of personal costs € per year II Contribution to participation costs (incl. insurance) Max € per semester III Monthly allowance€ per month IV Living allowance (incl. travel costs) € / week for a maximum duration of 3 months per scholar MAX TOTAL € / per year € for a 3- month stay max

EMJD fellowships (Category A) Contribution for a 3-year doctoral fellowship I Travel, installation and other personal costs € II EMJD participation costs€ 300 per month (€ for 36 months) for non-laboratory-based EMJDs or € 600 per month (€ for 36 months) for laboratory-based EMJDs III Fixed living allowance (36 months in total) € per month (i.e. € for 36 months) for an employment contract € per month (i.e. € for 36 months) for a stipend Maximum fellowship amount Between EUR and EUR (depending on category, lab., or type of recruitment)

123 Masters and 22 Doctorates offering scholarships ( ) A wide range of disciplines, including –Agriculture and food science, energy and environmental sciences, engineering, mathematics & ITC, natural sciences, social sciences Since 2004, over 10,000 Masters students, and 1600 scholars teaching in Masters 3 Turkmen students selected: in 2005 (2) and 2007 (1) First selection of 130 Doctorate candidates EMMCs and EMJDs: facts and figures

EMMC: an example University of L'Aquila, Italy University of Nice, France Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Gdansk University Of Technology, Poland University of Hamburg, Germany MATHMODS Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: 2-year Masters 1st semester: L’Aquila 2nd semester: Nice 3rd semester: applications 4th semester: thesis Mathematical modelling: a unified methodological approach to modelling and simulation of real engineering challenges

Erasmus Mundus - what does it offer? Action 2 - Partnerships  Large partnerships between HEIs from EU + non-EU HEIs from a specific region  5 partnerships for Central Asia lot in 2010  Emphasis on co-operation and transfer of know-how  Scholarships of varying length (3 months to 3 years)

Action 2 individual mobility (C.Asia)  Bachelor, master, doctorate, post-doctorate students + HE staff (training, teaching, research activities)  Mobility not linked to specific programmes (all programmes on offer in partner HEIs can be followed)  At least 50% of individual mobility from partner institutions  Mobility only for Central Asian individuals

Action 2 – Central Asian Republics Lot 9, 2010  4 partnerships selected (additional call to select 5th)  Partnerships coordinated by:  Adam Mickiewicz University (PL)  Technical University Berlin (DE)  Royal Institute of Technology (SE)  University of Santiago de Compostela (ES)  Turkmen institutions:  TURKMEN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE  TURKMEN STATE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT  TURKMEN STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER MAGTYMGULY

Action 2 – Central Asian Republics Lot 9, 2010: MANECA TU Berlin (DE) Ludwigsburg (DE) Lessius Colleage (BE) Vilnius TU (LT) Constantine Uni Nitra (SK) TURKMEN STATE UNIVERSITY 4 Kazakh HEIs 3 Kyrgyz HEIs 4 Uzbek HEIs 3 Tajik HEIs

Action 2 – Central Asian Republics Lot 9, 2010: TOSCA Adam Mickiewicz (PL) Aquila (IT) Thessaloniki (GR) BOKU Vienna (AT) Giessen (DE) Porto (PT) Boras (SE) TURKMEN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE TURKMEN STATE INST OF ECON & MANAGMT 4 Kazakh HEIs 2 Kyrgyz HEIs 2 Uzbek HEIs 2 Tajik HEIs

An Action 2 partnership 2010 TOSCA (Adam Mickiewicz Univ, Poland) Application deadline for students & academics: 31 January 2011

Action 2 – Central Asian Republics Lot 9, 2010  Four partnerships together: 382 “mobility flows”  Particular academic disciplines in focus  € 1.95 million to fund each Partnership Planned mobility for Turkmen nationals (2 partnerships): UndergradMastersDoctoratePost-DocStaffTOTAL

Action 2 – Central Asian Republics 2009 selection  Two partnerships:  Eindhoven  Erasmus Hogeschool Brussels Mobility for Turkmen nationals (1 partnerships): UndergradMastersDoctoratePost-DocStaffTOTAL 63312

Erasmus Mundus - what does it offer? Action 3 - Promotion of European HE In 2010, given to projects that:  promote European HE in specific geographical areas  improve services for international students and doctoral candidates  address the international dimension of Quality Assurance  help strengthen relations between European HE and research  promote European study opportunities for doctoral candidates

Benefits for universities  Establish lasting links between institutions  Improve quality of teaching and students  Put in place mechanisms to facilitate mobility and degree recognition  Increase university visibility, attractiveness worldwide  Enhance reputation through involvement in excellence programmes

Benefits for students/academics  Participate in high-level masters/doctoral courses  Receive double/multiple/joint degree from consortium of excellent universities  Acquire in-depth knowledge of Europe + European HE  Improve linguistic skills, intercultural experience  Improve employability of students through recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad  Academic exchange of knowledge, ideas, contacts

EM Call for Proposals 2011 One programme, three actions = one Call Call published December 2010 Deadline 29 April 2011, Selection July 2011 Key documents: –Programme Guide –Guidelines for Applicants (Action 2) –Call for Proposals

Erasmus Mundus selection process Action 1Action 2Action 3 EACEA: Eligibility and selection criteria National Structures: Eligibility EU HEIs Recognition degrees EU Delegations: Eligibility 3C HEIs Relevance regional priorities EU Delegations: Eligibility 3C HEIs External experts: Assessment of proposals Selection Board Evaluation Committee Selection Decision

Useful links EACEA website – Erasmus Mundus National Tempus Office Turkmenistan Erasmus Mundus Alumni Erasmus Mundus partner search facility