2nd International Meeting Samarkand, Uzbekistan 11-13th February, 2014 János Palotás University of Szeged
WG2: Implementation of Curriculum of “Agricultural Technology”
P2 - Samarkand Agricultural Institute (SAI) – Uzbekistan (Samarkand) The BSc curricula is appoved by Ministry. The education is started in 2013 autumn. Altogether 170 students - 1st year: nd year: rd year: 53
P4 - Kokshetau State University named after Shokan Ualikhanov (KokSU) – Kazakhstan (Kokshetau) Educational programme “Agrotechnology” (Speciality “Agronomy”) and academic plan have been discussed and approved by the Academic Council of University (Protocol № 1 from the 26 th August 2013) and recommended to use in educational process.
The educational programme was accredited inside University and national accreditation by independent agency of accreditation and ranking in November 25-29, According to educational programme “Agrotechnology” in 2013 there were 25 bachelors, 5 master students. Today they are the first year students.
On the direction “Agrotechnology” they have the following results: There were developed educational programme on the bases of competent approach and all educational and methodical documentation (units, syllabuses, and courses of lectures, controlling and measuring materials, programmes of professional practice).
Under the development of educational programme employees were involved for forming of key competences of future specialists in the sphere of “Agrotechnology”.
Questionnaire with representatives of stakeholders in educational programme were carried out: students, teachers, workers of state enterprises, scientific and research institutes, representatives of commercial structures (JSC, firms). Questionnaire processing was carried out on the bases of TUNING technology.
Educational programme “Agrotechnology” (speciality “Agronomy”) was included to the list of pilot programmes according to the plan of Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Republic. The main idea of pilot programme is to prepare polylingual specialists fluently knowing Kazakh, English and Russian.
Developed educational programme is integrated as it is developed in cooperation with partners from Kazakhstan: there were determined 10 main disciplines (5 updated and 5 new courses) that included to educational programme of all partners. This is prerequisite for realization of academic mobility that is one of the main parameters of Bologna process.
Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur (TAU) – Tajikistan (Dushanbe)
Development of measures for the validation of a joint/multiple degree
What is a Joint Degree? A Joint Degree can be described as: A study programme (Master or PhD) which has been jointly developed by two or more international universities. It consists of a consortium of international partner universities. Students have the facilities and expertise of all partner universities in the consortium at their disposition.
An international teaching staff constitutes their lecturers. Students choose one entrance university and at least one (depending on the curriculum of the joint degree programme) mobility university. The study programme is carried out within a framework of organized mobility.
Modules and courses completed during the mobility period are automatically recognized. Students receive either a national degree from the individual institutions or a jointly conferred degree. The joint diploma - an international diploma - is recognized by all degree-awarding partner universities.
More information: Christian Tauch and Andrejs Rauhvagers, Survey on Masters Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe, Survey of the European Universities Association (EUA): Master_Joint_degrees_en pdf
Definition of joint degrees Joint degrees are normally awarded after study programmes that correspond to all or at least some of the following characteristics: the programmes are developed and/or approved jointly by several institutions; students from each participating institution study parts of the programme at other institutions;
the students’ stays at the participating institutions are of comparable length; periods of study and exams passed at the partner institution(s) are recognised fully and automatically;
professors of each participating institution also teach at the other institutions, work out the curriculum jointly and form joint commissions for admission and examinations;
after completion of the full programme, the student either obtains the national degrees of each participating institution or a degree (in fact usually an unofficial “certificate” or “diploma”) awarded jointly by them.
Lisbon Recognition Convention (8-11 April 1997) Recognition of a higher education qualification issued in another country shall have one or more of the following consequences:
access to further higher education studies, including relevant examinations and preparations for the doctorate, on the same conditions as candidates from the country in which recognition is sought;
the use of an academic title, subject to the laws and regulations of the country in which recognition is sought. In addition, recognition may facilitate access to the labour market.
A joint degree should, be understood as referring to a higher education qualification issued jointly by at least two or more higher education institutions or jointly by one or more higher education institutions and other awarding bodies, on the basis of a study programme developed and/or provided jointly by the higher education institutions, possibly also in cooperation with other institutions.
A joint degree may be issued as a. joint diploma in addition to one or more national diplomas, b. a joint diploma issued by the institutions offering the study programme in question without being accompanied by any national diploma,
c.one or more national diplomas issued officially as the only attestation of the joint qualification in question.
Joint degree The study programmes are jointly developed and recognised by several institutions. Students at participating institutions spend part of their studies at another institution. The periods of study and examinations, which were completed at other institutions, are automatically recognised in full at their home institutions.
The teaching staff of each participating institution works out the curriculum together, formulates regulations for admission and the examination conditions and also teaches at the other institutions. Upon completion of the study programme, students receive either national degrees from the individual institutions or a degree which is jointly conferred.
Joint degree: Two or more universities = One diploma Multiple degree: Two or more universities = Two or more diploma (by all universities in different countries
Italy About rules in Italy for the double degrees here the main information: 1. The Ministry of Education, within the Ministerial Decree 270/2006, gives to the Universities the possibility to organise international degrees with double/joint certification.
2. Each university decides, within the internationalisation policies approved by the academic Senate, the degrees that should be internationalised or the organisation of new international degrees. 3. The universities decide, within the national framework, their own rules for the identification of such courses.
Portugal The first step is a degree proposal by the department, and then it must be approve by scientific and pedagogic councils of the Azores University, and finally, the rector of university (the last step in the university) must approve it.
After they must be submitted to Education Ministry, and after that, if it was ok, they must be certified by National Agency of Superior Education.
Poland See: Italy
Estonia Universities Act Passed RT I 1995, 12, 119 entered into force
§ Requirements for joint curriculum § Joint curriculum cooperation contract § Opening of joint curriculum § 31. Graduation documents certifying higher education
§ Opening of joint curriculum (1) In order to open a joint curriculum, the educational institution agreed upon in the joint curriculum cooperation contract shall submit an application to the Ministry of Education and Research at least nine months before the start of the academic year.
The application shall include information on the compliance of the joint curriculum with section 22 1 of this Act and information on the compliance of the joint curriculum cooperation contract with section 22 2 of this Act.
(2) The Ministry of Education and Research shall inspect the compliance of the joint curriculum and joint curriculum cooperation contract with the requirements. A joint curriculum which complies with the requirements shall be registered in the Estonian Education Information System established on the basis of subsection § 36 6 (4) of the Republic of Estonia Education Act.
(3) If, upon the inspection of the joint curriculum application and the information annexed thereto it cannot be established whether the quality of instruction provided on the basis of joint curriculum is sufficient and whether the learning outcomes described in the joint curriculum can be achieved with the curriculum, the Ministry of Education and Research shall organise the expert assessment of the joint curriculum.
The Ministry of Education and Research shall involve the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency in the expert assessment.
(4) If the result of the expert assessment specified in subsection (3) of this section is negative, the joint curriculum shall not be entered in the Estonian Education Information System established on the basis of subsection § 36 6 (4) of the Republic of Estonia Education Act and the joint curriculum shall not be opened.
(5) If the result of the expert assessment specified in subsection (3) of this section is negative, the costs of the expert assessment shall be borne by the educational institutions participating in the joint curriculum pursuant to the procedure provided for in the joint curriculum cooperation contract.
(6) If the educational institution participating in the joint curriculum does not have the right to provide instruction in the study programme group to which the joint curriculum belongs and the joint curriculum and joint curriculum cooperation contract comply with the requirements …
… the Government of the Republic shall grant the educational institution the right to provide instruction in with regard to the part of the joint curriculum and issue the respective academic degrees and diplomas in the study programme group to which the joint curriculum belongs pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection 22 3 (2) of this Act.
Hungary Act CCIV of 2011 On National Higher Education Education activities of Hungarian higher education institutions performed outside Hungary, and the rules of joint programmes
Section 78 (1) Subject to the laws of the country concerned, Hungarian higher education institutions may offer off-site training outside the territory of the Republic of Hungary, as set forth in Government Regulations.
(2) The Hungarian State may contribute to the operation of the higher education institution under subsection (1) through normative funding stipulated in law, on the basis of an international agreement or a work plan, or by means of applications or an agreement. The call for applications shall be initiated by the Minister, and the Minister shall be authorised to conclude agreements.
(3) Hungarian and foreign higher education institutions may provide joint programmes awarding a Hungarian and foreign or joint diploma or certificate if all the following criteria are met: a) the higher education institutions concerned are recognised higher education institutions in the state of the registered seats,
b) the diploma or certificate issued is accepted as a diploma or certificate awarded in higher education pursuant to the relevant national law of the countries concerned, c) the Hungarian and the foreign higher education institutions are authorized for the programme, the programme and outcome requirements of which are identical to those of the programme subject to the agreement,
d) the credit transfer committee of the Hungarian higher education institution declares that the credit equivalence between the programme the higher education institute is authorized to launch and the programme subject to the agreement reaches at least 75%,
e) the student completes at least 30 credits in the Hungarian higher education institution which is authorized to launch the programme. (4) No authorisation for operation in Hungary shall be necessary if foreign higher education institutions offer the programmes set forth in subsection (3).
(5) The Educational Authority shall register the agreement and the training, if the Senate of the Hungarian institution establishes that the requirements set forth in Paragraph (3) are met. Otherwise, the general rules of launching study programmes shall be applied.
Uzbekistan Higher education in Uzbekistan documents/12_high_educ_sys_121218_ EN_single.pdf „Joint programmes are allowed in the higher education legislation. Joint degrees are not foreseen in the legislation.” (p. 104)
Kazakhstan Higher education in Kazakhstan documents/12_high_educ_sys_121218_ EN_single.pdf „Joint programmes and joint degrees are not mentioned at all in the higher education legislation.” (p. 26)
Tajikistan Higher education in Tajikistan documents/12_high_educ_sys_121218_ EN_single.pdf „Joint programmes and joint degrees are not mentioned in the higher education legislation whatsoever.” (p. 66)
Kyrgyzstan Higher education in Kyrgyzstan documents/12_high_educ_sys_121218_ EN_single.pdf „Joint programmes and joint degrees are not mentioned in the higher education legislation whatsoever.” (p. 48)
Kyrgyzstan - KNU Educational programs (bachelor, master and doctoral) are regulated by National standarts. All programs must comply with these standards. There are compulsory and elective disciplines.
Сompulsory courses are required to fulfill, if we want develop joint / multiple degrees, we can develop joint / multiple degrees on elective disciplines.
Thank you very much for your attention!