The Catholic Program Bank Conceptual Overview
VISION To create a cooperative among Catholic Television stations whereby each TV station contributes programming and content into a shared on-line library.
Overview It is expensive to produce quality television programming and content. Save time and money by borrowing a program that has been produced by another TV station. Easier and cheaper to borrow (withdraw) from a shared on-line library than producing a new program. Become a member of the Catholic Program Bank.
A Shared On-Line Library (The Program Bank) Each cooperative member shall deposit programs & content via the Internet into a secure website known as The Catholic Program Bank. The members will each pay a monthly fee of USD$ _____ (through an international credit card) for access to all content in the program bank.
The Program Bank (A Shared On-Line Library) The Program Bank will include in the beginning English, Spanish, and Portuguese programming and content. Additional languages will be added. This can be a Signis project for the whole Catholic Church
How It Works Each member will be given a user name and password to enter the site. The member may view all programs and content deposited in the program bank. The member may download and use this content in accordance to certain business rules to which members will agree.
Other Content in The Bank Besides Quality TV & Radio Programs, the members will also have access to: –Image bank –Music bank –Nature shots bank –Documentaries bank –Witnessing bank –Institutional bank (of the TV stations) –Idea bank
Benefits to The Members If 20 catholic TV stations agreed to work together using “The Program Bank” as a unified organization, an example could be: –Each station agrees to contribute (deposit) 1 program a week into the program bank. –Our bank would have 20 programs per week. –Each member downloads (withdraws) them. –Each station gives 1 program and can receive 19 new in return for a small monthly fee.
Benefits to Member Cont’d There is no upfront cost to members. TV Seculo 21 has already invested over USD $200,000 for back-end/ infrastructure and development. TV Seculo 21 is investing another USD $150,000 on the front end platform which will be completed January Members will only pay a small monthly fee to cover monthly maintenance costs approx USD $8,000 per month (currently paid by TV Seculo 21).
Other Functionality of the Platform Video on Demand Virtual Schools Virtual Libraries Stream Live TV Live Webcasts Distance Learning
Other Functionality = Revenue Generating Opportunities Templates and Private labeling of Virtual Libraries and Distance Education are available through the Platform. Offer educational videos for free with the ability to charge for certain courses/lessons. An electronic payment gateway already exists in the platform or use your own. An example of a Distance Education website
The Infrastructure & Platform
The Back-End / Infrastructure Servers: Web Servers are DELL XXXXX. Video Storage Devices are EMC VNXE3100. Traffic/Bandwidth: 10GB for upload and download HD Capacity: 6x2TB (approx 10TB of usage space) dedicated to The Catholic program bank. HD Exp.: Unit has 12 bays (currently using 6). If needed the server could be chained to another EMC unit. All Technical aspects are attached in a separate document
Front End Streaming Format The Website is developed under ASP.NET 2.x. The web server runs under Microsoft IIS 6.0. Player is developed using Adobe Flash CS5/Action script 3.0. Currently the website and the player are compatible (support and tested) with the following browsers: –Internet Explorer - Google Chrome –Safari- Mozilla Firefox It also supports most of the smart devices.
The Platform Architecture SDK SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT MANAGEMENT CRMCustomers ERP / Billing E-commerce ANALICTS & REPORTING PC / Mac SmartphoneTablet Radio / Video Conference Game Console WebSitesDEVICESEADReports VOD / LIVE CONTENT SOURCES CATHOLIC PROGRAM BANK IPTV Image, Nature Shots, Music, Witnessing, Documentaries, Idea, Bank Virtual Schools On- Line Courses UNIFIED - DATA BASE Unified Data Base (SOAP)
Platform Architecture Devices The solution allows you to access content on any platform, anywhere, anytime. PC / Mac SmartphoneTablet Radio / Video Conference Game Console WebSitesDEVICES UNIFIED - DATA BASE Unified Data Base (SOAP)
Platform Architecture Software Development Kit SDK SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT A toolkit that lets you integrate with your "Template" independently.
Platform Architecture ManagementMANAGEMENTCRMCustomers ERP / Billing E-commerce EAD Full integration between systems and management: Management + ERP CRM (Customer Relationship / Partners / Collaborators) + E-commerce + Distance Education (Distance Education) + + collection
Platform Architecture Reporting ANALITICS & REPORTING Reports Optimize your campaigns more effectively through reports and analysis.
Platform Architecture Content Sources VOD CONTENT SOURCES LiveIPTV Image Bank Music Bank Nature Shots Bank Documentaries Bank Witnessing Bank Idea Bank Multiple content sources.
Thank You! For more information on becoming a member please contact: Fr. Edward Dougherty SJ The Catholic Program Bank