Project start date - October 2010 Project completion - September 2013 Project is carried out with the support of the European Community as part of the Lifelong Learning Programme
Topic ■ selection Aims and objectives ■ main, partial Project team ■ management Project team ■ management Partners ■ communication, cooperation Tasks ■ planning, division, schedule, controlling Project outputs - products Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context
Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme in the European Context The project Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme in the European Context is based on European Union documents, especially: European Social Charter, Article No. 9 – “The right to receive counselling when choosing an occupation“ (1961) Conclusions of the European Council from Lisbon, as stated in the “Lifelong Learning Memorandum” which defines a new approach to professional counselling and guidance as one of the “key messages” (2000) Bologna Declaration, which aims to create a European Higher Education Area. Professionalising career guidance – Practioner competences and Qualification routes in Europe (CEDEFOP 2009) SELECTION OF TOPIC _________________________________________________________
career counselling In the context of lifelong education the career counselling represents a set of activities that allow to citizens of every age and in every stage of their life to identify their possibilities, competencies and interests, to be able to decide about their education, vocational training and employment, and to master their personal careers in education, work and other areas, in which they adopt and/or use these capabilities. TOPIC _________________________________________________________ Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Program In the European Context
OBJECTIVES ________________________________________________________ Main objectives of the Project: harmonization of higher education (Level 1) and postgraduate education for career counselling in partner countries, by accepting comparable academic degrees, joint diploma / Diploma Supplement. securing the transparency of existing national systems of career counsellors‘ education, to improve recognitions of their qualifications, to support international mobility of students and graduates. improvement of quality in provided higher education, its futher internationalisation as well as employment of higher education graduates at domestic and international labour market. Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context
ES DE UK EE PL SK PARTNERS ________________________________________________________________ CY HR Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context
P1Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) Institute of Engineering Studies (IES STU) Bratislava, SK P2University of Nicosia (Unic)Nicosia, CY P3Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ)Tallinn, EE P4University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA)Mannheim, DE P5Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa (AJD)Czestochowa, PL P6University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)Santiago de Compostela, ES P7University of Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Derby, UK P8University of Split (UNIST)Split, HR Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme in the European Context PARTNER'S ORGANISATION ________________________________________________________
SCHEDULE PRODUCT WP1 SURVEY, ANALYSIS AND INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON 1.1 National survey and analysis 1.2 Information on national strategies 1.3 International comparison WP2 INTEGRATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME 2.1 Integrated study programme 2.2 Innovated Modular education programme for postgraduate study 2.3 Terminological dictionary 2.4 Quality criteria for CC education 2.5 Accreditation WP3 EVALUATION, MONITORING AND QUALITY PLAN WP4 DISSEMINATION WP5 STRATEGY OF USING THE RESULTS AND MARKETING SCHEDULE ____________________________________________________________ Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme in the European Context
WP6 MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT 6.1 Initial phase 6.2 Realization phase 6.3 Coordination phase 6.4 Workshops Workshop 1 in Bratislava, November 2010 Workshop 2 in Santiago de Compostela, May 2011 Workshop 3 in Derby, October 2011 Workshop 4 in Split, May 2012 Workshop 5 in Tallinn, October 2012 Workshop 6 in Nicosia, April 2013 Workshop 7 in Bratislava, September Creation phase 6.6 Final phase 6.7 Website of the project: SCHEDULE ____________________________________________________________ Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context
Integrated study programme covering the cycle of study (Bachelor) using credits (ECTS), enabling to obtain the recognised joint diploma/Diploma Supplement. Innovated modular educational programme on postgraduate study for career counsellors using ICT. Both products will be developed in languages of all partner countries along with unified special terminology in the field of CC in the EU context. Accreditation of educational programmes PRODUCTS ____________________________________________________________ Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context
Thank you for your attention. Dr. Laura Gressnerová, M.A. Ivan Prelovský, MSc. Development and Implementation of Common Bachelors Degree Programme In the European Context