Interactive Web sites/tools Provides novelty, enhancement to instruction and/or extension to learning Are usually easy to use and takes some “play time” to get proficient at integration Most of the times your own students can become the “experts” with this tool and train others DJXD4&feature=player_embedded#at=167 Videohttp:// DJXD4&feature=player_embedded#at=167
Novelty promotes information transmission through the Reticular activating system. This research suggests that superior learning takes place when classroom experiences are enjoyable and relevant to students' lives, interests, and experiences. Cited: Willis, Judy. “The Neuroscience of Joyful Education”. ASCD. Retrieved from Neuroscience-of-Joyful-Education.aspx
Offers lesson plans too!- search grade 8 Lang Arts – (education) Cool flash items and Newspaper generatorhttp://
Graphs words by commonality of use = Web 2.0 Others? Share out
Blogs are like a journal or a webpage of information. Wikis are more collaborative in nature. Pros/cons to both Mine: school/eighth/cody/Pages/default.aspx school/eighth/cody/Pages/default.aspx Share out- how have you used these tools?
XX ple_choice_polls/LTE2MjU1MjMyMj Qhttp:// ple_choice_polls/LTE2MjU1MjMyMj Q XXwww.studyboost.comXX
1.Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20) 2.We have no access to your phone number 3.Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIPS EXAMPLE
XXXX XXXX XXXX Share out- success with these tools?
Letter from Birmingham Jail- MLK JR.
Charlotte’s Web
Download Audacity – Download I-Tunes Player (will convert to MP3’s) or you can install LAME file Create instructional how-to’s Can also use Jing to create video how-to’s from desk top. –
Free 5 min videos of instruction! Great for absent students! Example:
English Companion Ning- Teaching with technology forum Using wikis and blogs in English class Free tools for English Teachers
Visit my Wiki for all resources noted plus lots more!