Morelife omega - 3 The Mahatma once said … wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people there will be better health …..


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Presentation transcript:

Morelife omega - 3 The Mahatma once said … wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people there will be better health …..

It’s no coincidence that four of the six letters in HEALTH is ‘HEAL’. Ed Northstrum MORELIFE Omega-3 Body..Spirit..Mind


MORELIFE Omega-3 Floods your body with an abundant supply of Omega 3 & Omega 6 Omega 3 & Omega 6 essential fatty acids in proper ratio..

11 Vital Reasons to Add MORELIFE Omega-3 to your diet MORELIFE Omega-3

Keeps Your Heart Healthy – Takes control of your Cholesterol & Triglycerides Strengthens Immune system Normalizes Blood Pressure Levels Boosts Energy & Stamina Increases Fat- burning Promote Blood Sugar Balance Enhances Joint Comforts & Flexibility Supports Healthy Kidney & Liver Functions Heightens Mood & Mental Clarity Eases Menopause & PMS Symptoms Maintains Radiant, Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

Enjoy all those little things happening around you ….. MORELIFE Omega -3

OMEGA Fatty acids Nature’s miraculous gifts that makes you healthier, stronger, brighter and beautiful. MORELIFE Omega -3

Why OMEGA - 3 ? Essential fatty acids are very much necessary for the human body This can be obtained only from dietary sources Omega 3 essential fatty acid is used to make local hormones Local hormones control local functioning of tissues in the body Omega 3 tends to have Non-Inflammatory effects MORELIFE Omega -3

Essential fatty acids include the Omega-6 fatty acids as found in Vegetable oils and Products from Livestock animals raised on grain Omega-3 fatty acids, as found in Flaxseed oil, Wild Ocean Fish, Green Vegetation and Fish oil Therefore, we need to increase the intake of Omega-3 sources.

Studies indicate that Omega-3 helps reduce a person's blood pressure, which is becoming a chronic problem in an aging population. Long chain Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to decrease the LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein); serum triglycerides; platelet agreeability; blood viscosity; hypertension; glycerolipid synthesis, and to reduce the fatty droplet deposit to the liver. These fatty acids have also been shown to improve the insulin resistance, liver function, and to enhance red cell deformability. How OMEGA 3 help the smooth functioning of Cardio Vascular System & How it reduces cholesterol? Studies indicate that Omega 3 helps reduce a person's blood pressure, which is becoming a chronic problem in an ageing population. Long chain Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to decrease the LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein); serum triglycerides; platelet agreeability; blood viscosity; hypertension; glycerolipid synthesis, and to reduce the fatty droplet deposit to the liver. These fatty acids have also been shown to improve the insulin resistance, liver function, and to enhance red cell deformability. MORELIFE Omega-3

OMEGA 3 How Omega 3 helps to control BP & Sugar? In studies of hypertensive patients an increased intake of Omega-3 reduced blood pressure by 5 to 10 %. Many scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of Omega-3s for controlling blood sugar. The "Hospital Nutrition" study demonstrated that Omega-3 supplementation increased the Omega-3 content of skeletal muscle lipids. This is important because these lipids effect whole-body energy metabolism by stimulating blood sugar uptake. MORELIFE Omega -3

How does Omega 3 help Arthritis Patients? One of the many benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids is their ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. That effect might provide some relief for people who have the inflammatory disease arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids show great promise for relieving arthritis discomfort. Morelife omega -3

MORELIFE Omega -3 OMEGA 3 KEY TO HEALTHIER SKIN, HAIR & NAILS Quality of your hair and nails reflect the quality of your diet. A lack of Omega-3 fatty acids can cause hair and nails to be dry and brittle. Additionally, a low intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can lead to persistent inflammation, causing your skin to be puffy and dull. A healthy diet including Omega-3 may also reduce wrinkling and age- related skin problems. The estrogenic activity of flaxseed lignans may also help improve hair, nails and skin texture and flexibility. Add Omega-3 to your physician’s recommended daily nutrition, exercise, and medication program to help keep your skin, hair and nails looking and feeling great.

OMEGA 3 FOR HEALTHY EYES Omega-3 for Infant Vision Development DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids are found in maternal breast milk and also are added to some supplemented infant formulas. Omega-3 supplemental formulas appear to stimulate vision development in infants. Adequate amounts of DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet of pregnant women also appears to be important in normal infant vision development. Morelife omega-3

Adult Eye Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids also have been found to reduce the risk of dry eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids also may help treat dry eyes. In a recent study of dry eyes induced in mice, topical application of the Omega-3 fatty acid ALA led to a significant decrease in dry eye signs and inflammation associated with dry eye. MORELIFE Omega -3


HOW DOES OMEGA-3 HELP WOMEN DURING MENOPAUSE? Omega-3 can be used to treat symptoms in menopausal woman. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that your body needs in order to perform a variety of physiologic activities. Depression and psychological distress are among the symptoms experienced by menopausal women. Omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate these symptoms. During menopause, the hormone levels begin to fall and this causes many of the symptoms associated with menopause. Omega-3 fatty acids increase hormone levels. If suffering from mild depression, increasing the intake may help improve the overall mood. MORELIFE Omega -3

FISH OIL VS FLAX SEED OIL FISH OIL FLAX SEED OIL 1.It’s a NON- VEGETARIAN oil 2.Emits bad odor while burping 3.Fish Oil is not rich in Omega 3 compared to flax seed oil. 4.Effective remedy but the curing process is comparatively slow 1.Whereas Flax seed oil is a VEGETARIAN 2.Flax seed oil does not have any bad odor 3.Omega 3 is rich in Flax seed oil with benefits of Omega 6 and 9 effective remedy with faster curing process. 4.Very effective remedy with faster curing process. MORELIFE Omega -3

Required Consumption Levels of Flax Seed Oil FOR ADULTS One capsule of 1000mg a day immediately after the meal Supplement your diet with flaxseed oil MORELIFE Omega -3

Men’s Omega Women’s Omega Junior Omega Upgrade your Lifestyle with MORELIFE Omega -3 MORELIFE Omega -3 MORELIFE vegetable flaxseed oil capsules (Contains essential fatty acids omega )

MORELIFE Omega - 3 A product from Thank u