Institute of Life Science Phase 2 Project Overview School Staff Assembly 10 th June 2009
Vision To create a sustainable venture that advances medical science through research and innovation for the benefit of… the knowledge economy in Wales by linking scientific and medical advancement to wealth creation and… human health through improved prevention and treatment of disease
Project Context A Partnership between the School of Medicine, ABMU NHS Trust, WAG Department of Health and the European Union (WEFO) -Lisbon Agenda (Growth and Jobs) -Convergence Operational Programme -R&D / Innovation Framework -Wales Science Policy -Wales Spatial Plan -Other WAG/UK/Local Strategies
Project Purpose Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the purpose of ILS Phase 2 is to support the development of the regional life science cluster through; -Assisting enterprises in the Convergence region to innovate and grow -Strengthening the regional R&D infrastructure -Establishing research collaborations between academia and local industry -Attraction of inward investment
Vision: Regional Life Science Cluster
Project Components Translational Medicine; taking innovations from bench to bedside Clinical Research Facility (bedded unit) Imaging Centre Health Informatics Research Business Development Facilities Technology Transfer Team CNH Tenant Project + ILS(1)
Project Funding and Costs WEFO: £12.85m (cash) WAG: £8.5m (cash) ABMU NHS Trust: £1m (in-kind) – land Swansea University: £2.2m (in-kind) – Staff Time (sheets) £2.8m (in-kind) – Overheads Project Income£1.5m (cash) Building£16m Equipment£3m Tech Transfer£1.2m CRF£2.3m Income Costs
Project Outputs/Outcomes 300 Enterprises/Individuals Assisted 30 Collaborative Projects 400 Jobs Created 10 Enterprises Created £20m Profit Benefit £20m Investment Induced 15 New products/processes/services registered 175 New products/processes/services launched
Institute of Life Science Phase 2 Project Overview Thank You