List of Rewards How to make a bed 20 pts Going to the mall Done Click and drag in order of preference: #1 is your most favorite reward! Then click Done Click and drag in order of preference: #1 is your most favorite reward! Then click Done Time with friends Sleep over TV Time Computer Time Make Mom happy
Storyboard Specification for Alaska Airlines Client NameProject TitleLast UpdateName of Designer ScreenBasic page type: Font type & size Color specs.: User Interactions: Hyper Links Audio inclusion and controls: 2 Lisa McCarroll How to make a bed12/06/2012Marianne Goossens 1List of RewardsTitle: Arial 28 pt Subtitle Arial 24 pt Label text: Arial 14 pt Top Bar: Med. Blue Background: Light Blue Video inclusion and controls: The labels can be dragged and dropped to form an ordered list. Done button: Assigns point values to each choice. #1 =30 pts, #2= 25pnts, #3 =20 pnts etc. Backend programming: store points in variable: point values to be used in Calendar. (screen 4) Forward arrow: go to screen 2 The virtual agent is the narrator and a start button provides user control. If not clicked the audio will start playing automatically after 10 seconds. “ Hi girls! It’s me, Mom. I want you to know that I am proud of you and that I think you are not only great but also very capable kids! We both know that you do know how to make a bed. But somehow, for some reason, the beds are not made…..(pause) So I thought we could use a little refresher on how to properly make a bed. And to make it fun, you not only will get rewarded for making your bed, you also get to decide your own rewards. You can click and drag the rewards in order from favorite to most favorite. Then click done and go to the next page to find out what’s next! None
How to make a bed 20 pts Easy steps to make a bed
Storyboard Specifications for Alaska Airlines Client NameProject TitleLast UpdateName of Designer ScreenBasic page type: Font type & size Color specs.: User Interactions: Hyper Links Audio inclusion and controls: 4 Lisa McCarroll How to make a bed12/06/2012Marianne Goossens 2VideoTitle: Arial 28 pt Subtitle: Arial 24 pt Label text: Arial 14 pt Top Bar: Med. Blue Background: Light Blue Video inclusion and controls: Back arrow: go to screen 1 Forward arrow: go to screen 3 The virtual agent is the narrator and a start button provides user control. If not clicked the audio will start playing message automatically after 30 sec: “Are you ready for a quick review on how to make a bed? Go ahead and watch the video!” Video player to be embedded into web page from Articulate or off internet download. Video Story Line: Video shows easy steps to make a bed. Actress narrates the the steps as the actions are being performed: 1. Remove dirty linen. 2. Put bottom sheet on the mattress. 3. Add the top sheet. 4. Put the blanket on top. 5. Add the pillows. 6. If you have decorative items, place them on top of the blanket. And voila!
How to make a bed 20 pts
How to make a bed 20 pts
How to make a bed 20 pts
Storyboard Template for Alaska Airlines Client NameProject TitleLast UpdateName of Designer ScreenBasic page type: Font type & size Color specs.: User Interactions: Hyper Links 8 Lisa McCarroll How to make a bed12/06/2012Marianne Goossens 3a/3b/3cArticulate QuizTitle: Arial 28 pt Subtitle Arial 24 pt Label text: Arial 14 pt Top Bar: Med. Blue Background: Light Blue Video inclusion and controls: Articulate Quiz Maker user interaction Submit. 1 Sequence Drag and Drop question 2 Multiple Choice question 3 True/False question End of quiz automatically go to screen 4 None Audio inclusion and controls :
How to make a bed 20 pts Month: December Year: Points You’ve collected 4 points, only 6 more for T.V time! Home
Storyboard Template for Alaska Airlines Client NameProject TitleLast UpdateName of Designer ScreenBasic page type: Font type & size Color specs.: User Interactions: Hyper Links Video inclusion and controls : 10 Lisa McCarroll How to make a bed12/06/2012Marianne Goossens 4Interactive CalendarTitle: Arial 28 pt Grey Subtitle Arial 24 pt White Text box text: Arial 14 pt Top Bar: Med. Blue Background: Light Blue Check boxes. Once clicked a smiley face appears. Each check box clicked = 1 Point. Back end programming: Add total point value. Back button : go to screen 3 Home: go to screen 1 If points total a reward, virtual agent narrates: Awesome! Great! I’m so happy. Good job! Randomize these statements. Audio inclusion and controls : None Feedback Messages: Display messages in white text box after check boxes are clicked: You’ve collected X Points, only X more for “type of reward”. Or if total points earned= a reward: You will go on a sleep over. Great job! Star: display total points earned Verify that only past dates or current dates are clicked.