7Ea Tangy tastes 6 Explain why pickled onions will keep for a longer period than normal onions. 7 a) Why isn’t pickling used to preserve fruits such as strawberries? b) Find out about two ways of stopping fruits from being attacked by bacteria.
Tangy tastes 8 Think about your diet in a typical day. 7Ea Tangy tastes 8 Think about your diet in a typical day. a) How many portions of fruit or vegetables do you eat? b) How might you be able to make some small changes to your meals that would give you a better balanced diet?
7Ea Tangy tastes 6 Explain why pickled onions will keep for a longer period than normal onions. Acid conditions stop bacteria growing
7Ea Tangy tastes 7 a) Why isn’t pickling used to preserve fruits such as strawberries? Pickling would ruin the taste of the fruit. b) Find out about two ways of stopping fruits from being attacked by bacteria. For example: freezing, canning, dehydrating or preserving in sugar/jam.
Tangy tastes 8 Think about your diet in a typical day. 7Ea Tangy tastes 8 Think about your diet in a typical day. b) how might you be able to make some small changes to your meals that would give you a better balanced diet? For example: Choose a breakfast cereal containing fruit or add fresh fruit on top; have fruit juice with breakfast; have some raisins instead of a biscuit; add salad to a ham or cheese sandwich or burger; have a green vegetable such as peas with your main meal.