EMA NI Electronic Mathematics Archiving Network Initiative Ongoing Projects Bernd Wegner Institute for Mathematics, TU Berlin EMANI-Workshop, Cornell University, July 2002
Projects - General Digital Archives HProjects at partner libraries HYale: Elsevier HHarvard: Wiley, Blackwell, Univ. Chicago HLOCKSS at Stanford HMIT: dynamic documents HNew York Public Library: arts journals HAIP/APS projects HOAI as an umbrella
Digital offers in mathematics HEuclid, ELibM, SMAI, RAS, Academic and library publishers HArXive and other Pre-print Servers, MPRESS HJSTOR, ERAM, DIEPER, NUMDAM HCultural heritage: Albis - Bogotá, National Library - Lisbon, Russian projects HGlobal approach according to John Ewing´s paper(NSF, EMS / EC, DFG, ) HSelf-archiving
Recent developments EMANI related HELibM, content transfer in progess HSpringer, content transfer in progress HERAM, co-operation for retrodigitization HDLM - project, planning group installed HDennis/Michler/Schneider: OCR and markup for scanned mathematical documents in progress HMathML, display through web browsers almost ready (Netscape, Mozilla)
Recent developments other HBackfiles system from Elsevier (!!!) HArchiving activities at Deutsche Bibliothek (Becker) HOther national archiving activities at bigger libraries HGrowing programs for preservation of cultural heritage
Projects - of general interest EMANI related HLIMES - reference linking tools HEULER - integrated access sytem HMOWGLI - semantic mark-up of digital documents in mathematics HRetrodigitization tools (Schneider/Michler/Dennis) HMathML
Visibility of EMANI HDevelopment of P archiving tools, P archiving and preservation infrastructure, P archiving related publication standards P and repositories HDevelopment of new digital content in mathematics HOffering integrated access to different digital versions of the same series