What is the Social software? Blog in language teaching How to start using blogs with learners Wikis in language teaching How to start using a wiki with learners Podcasts in language teaching How to create learner podcasts
Blog : is essentially a web page with regular diary or journal entries. The term is short for Web log. Wiki : collaborative web space, consisting of many pages that can be edited by any user Wiki : collaborative web space, consisting of many pages that can be edited by any user Podcast : an audio and/or video file that is 'broadcast' via the Internet and can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device. SocialSoftwareConnect,Communicate,CollaborateOnline
They can be set up and used by teachers and/or learners. They can be used to connect learners to other communities of learners(one class ↔ another class or country. The idea and content can be generated and created by learners, either individually or collaboratively.
BLOG Most common type be kept by one person Consist of written text only, or include picture or photo (photoblog) or audio/video
Why are blogs referred to as Social Software? Blog in Language Teaching Allow readers to comment on blog Link between blogs and writers/readers of blogs Include a blogroll
Edublogs used in Education Cover a wide range of topics related to Education. Tutor Blog Tutor blog is set up and used by a teacher to provide teacher's learners with news and comments on issues, extra reading practice or homework, online links, a summary of a class and so on..
Class Blog Used by an entire class This can be used to post comments on certain topics, or on class work or on any other issue. In a class blog learners all post to the same blog.
Student Blog Each learners set up and maintain their own individual blogs. The learners can post to their blogs once or twice a week. Other learners(same or another class/country) can post.
Tutor BlogStudent BlogClass Blog Set homeworkPersonal and family Information Reaction to a film, article, current affairs Provide a summary of class work Extra writing practice on class topics learners like/don’t like doing in class. Provide links to extra reading/listening Regular comments on current affairs A class project on any topic Question and answerResearch and present information on topic Exam/study tipsA photoblog on learner’s country. etc
Step 1 Setting up a sample blog (1-2 hours) Step 2 Setting up student blogs ( 1hour) Step 3 Posting to and visiting blogs ( 1 hour) Step 4 Follow up ( 2-3 hours or several lessons)
Blogger ( WordPress ( wordpress.org) EzBlogWorld ( Bahraich Blogs ( Getablog (
Audioblog The blog is included some audio files. User need access to audio equipment. Vlog The blog is included some video files. User need access to video editing equipment.
Blog is essentially an online journal or diary, usually written by one person, which is added to regulary. Most blogs allow visitors to add comments, which are then visible to the blog owner and also to subsequent visitors who can in turn comment further.
Wiki is like public website, public webpage, started by one person, but which subsequent visitors can add to, delete or change as they wish. One of the best known wikis is Wikipedia ( an encylopedia that anyone can add to or edit. Wikipedia demonstrates several aspects of social software: It is collaborative and grassroots, displays multiple authorship and is not ‘‘owned’’ by anyone.
STEP1 Preparation before lesson ( approximately minutes) STEP 2 (In)famous people: describtions (approximately 1 hour) STEP 3 (In)famous people: corrections (approximately 1 hour) Alternative ( approximately 3- 4 hours)
Pbwiki ( Mediawiki ( Wikihost (
Podcast is a radio or TV show, but the difference is that you can listen to or watch a podcast on a topic that whenever you want to.
A podcast can be on any topic, and can include music and video. Video postcasts are also known as Vodcasts or Podclips. Podcasts can be authentic- for example, BBC radio shows.
Learners can listen to podcasts made by others. They can produce their own podcasts. Also, it is becoming increasingly common in tertiary education for example, for professors to record lectures as podcasts, so that students who miss a class can download the lecture podcasts for later listening on their computers or mobile devices like an MP3 player.
Step 1 Setting up a podcast page (Approximately 30 min.) Use podOmatic at to create a podcast. To do this, it is necessary to use a computer, Internet connection, a microphone and speakers or a headset. Podcasts sites are extremely easy to use and no specialist technical knowledge is needed. The podcast page provides a website for learners to post their podcasts to.
Step 2: Creating Learner podcasts (Approximately min.) In pairs or individually, learners prepare and rehearse a short text about a determined topic. As your teacher, tell them what information they need to include. It is important to allow learners time to rehearse their texts several times so that they feel confident about being recorded. Although, their podcasts should not be directly read out word by word, do allow learners to make notes to help them, as they feel it is important to be as accurate as possible.
Step 3: Listening to learner podcasts (Approximately min.) In a subsequent class, put learners individually (or in pairs) with a computer and allow them to listen to all of their classmates’ podcasts. In a single computer classroom, the podcasts can be played one by one, via speakers. Tell learners to take notes on what they hear. Once all podcasts have been listened to, allow learners to compare notes in small groups.
Step 4: Follow-up (3-4 subsequent lessons) Once learners have produced one short podcast, and are familiar with the podcasting site and how to use it, they can start to produce regular podcasts on the topics which are covered in class. The more learners practice preparing podcast texts, rehearsing them and recording them, the more confident they will become, and the more natural their recordings will start to sound.
Dudeney, G.& Hockly, N. (2007). How to teach English with technology. Essex: Pearson Longman.
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