Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad Gateway Project 2 nd Prevnet Conference of Telematics in Addiction Prevention Brian Galvin National Documentation Centre on Drug Use October 2003
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad European Association of Libraries and Information Services on Alcohol and other drugs n A network of librarians and information specialists n 45 organisations affiliated n Meetings, services and activities n Established in 1988What is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad goals n to enable those working in the field of A OD information to exchange ideas /experience n to improve professional knowledge and skills through networking n to stimulate European cooperation and development of A OD information policies n to keep librarians informed n to encourage exchange of information and continuing training, especially about developments in information technologyWhat is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad activities n Annual meetings n Services: mailing list, directory, journal... n Working groups’ projects n Networking between members n Partnership with international organisations: S ALIS n Horizontal networking: Prevnet...What is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad meetings n 15 meetings: Stockholm, Lyon, London, Venice, Utrecht, Madrid, Oslo, Torino, Paris, Lisbon, Prague, Bremen, Dublin n Themes: European A OD documentation centres. Grey literature. Indexing systems. Resource sharing. Information quality challenge. Internet resources. Evolution of our role. Grey literature in the A OD field. Supporting research n Next: Florence, Oct 2004What is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad: 16 years of evolution n New drugs, users, behaviours, policies: new information contents n EU new prerogatives in the field n Bigger social and policy focus on drugs n More people working in the field, more research and info needs n New technological tools n Information explosionWhat is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Elisad expertise Elisad has expertise in: u professional skills and techniques l Information retrieval systems l Databases, distributed databases l Virtual libraries u facilitating network projects u EC work programmes u creating access to quality informationWhat is Elisad?
Gateway What Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Internet as an information medium n Masses of information available information on the Internet n Search engines always return hits on a simple query BUT n What kind of information, type and quality? n Is it comprehensive? Selected? Complete? Why a gateway?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Difficulties with Searching n Information is hard find because: u no selection u no metadata u no indexation u no ordering u no retrieval system Why a gateway?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Internet search engines Conclusions of a working group on Internet retrieval: n Search engines: u differ in depth of indexing u make mistakes: They are subject to changes in indexing policy (indexing fluctuations) They forget documents completely (document fluctuations) They miss documents in their result sets (element fluctuations) Why a gateway?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps What is a gateway? Gateways are quality controlled information portals characterised by: u An online service providing links to numerous sites/documents on the net u Selection of resources according to quality and scope criteria u Intellectually produced content descriptions, in the spectrum between short annotation and review u Systemazically constructed browsing structure / classification »Desire handbook: Why a gateway?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Example of a gateway Why a gateway?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Towards an A TOD gateway n 1999: Elisad meeting in Lisbon n Presentations by Lynn Robinson and Greet van der Spek triggered the discussion: u How to find reliable and credible A OD information on the web? u Let to idea of establishing a gateway on web sites dealing with alcohol, drugs and addiction First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Explorative phase n 4 countries worked together to find out how to proceed: u France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands n Workshop in Utrecht, April 2000 n Presentation of experimental portals for France and Germany, in Prague, Nov. 2000, at the Elisad meeting n Application EC funding, Jan n 2 nd workshop in Paris, March 2001 First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps EC positive answer n EC positive answer, May 2001, for u Elisad European Internet Gateway on Alcohol and other Drugs n Start December 2001 for 18 months n Co-ordinator: Archido (Bremen) First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Participants n Germany: Archido n France: Toxibase n Italy: Gruppo Abele n The Netherlands: Trimbos-Institute n Sweden: C AN n UK: DrugScope n Czech Republic: S ZÚ n + E MCDDA monitoring n + Elisad network & Andromeda (NL) First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Objectives n Provide access to relevant and valid information in the AOD area n Provide descriptive metadata in English for multilingual resources n Build a searchable websites catalogue / server database n Present information in a thematic ordering for browsing and search First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Target groups n Health professionals n Professionals in A TOD area n researchers, educators, prevention n workers, treatment and therapy practicians, n policy makers, documentalists and information producers / publishers n general public First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Methodology n Data collection / selection n Networking n Future users’ consultation n Quality filters n Promotion n Technical device: database programming etc. Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Data collection / selection n Website search l Internet Detective, Quick guide... n Website identification l Scope policy, selection criteria n Website description with input form l Input help manual, style guidance n Use of standards l Information gateways: D ESIRE l Keyword list based on: I SDD /DrugScope, Toxibase, N IAAA Thesauri, W HO l Database fields based on: D CMI, H ON -Code l Comparability with Europ. A TOD resources Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Networking: snowball system Gateway group: 12 persons from 7 libraries covering 24 countries & pan-European / international sites n Extension to: u Elisad members l Elisad members’ contacts n others A TOD networks, mailing lists… v individual A TOD professionals, etc. Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Gateway users’ consultation n Identification of key persons among AOD professionals in each country n Evaluation of users’ needs n Test of prototype by users n Analyse and evaluation of the implemented final version Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Quality filters n Gateway scope policy n Selection criteria: checklist for author, goal, scope, content, presentation, recommend n Experts analysing the websites n Users’ feedback n Revision by an editorial committee n Scientific and expert monitoring by university of Bremen and E MCDDA Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Promotion n Promotion began at the start of a project n Networking and users consultation are promotion primary steps n Traditional media: leaflets, postal mail n ing: listserv distribution, press n Printed/web publications: articles, reports n Face to face activities, e.g. conferences presentations, trainings... Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Technical device n Electronic input form to facilitate and control consistent website description by checkboxes and free text input fields n Database (MyS QL ) format with: u automatic processing of input form and generation of output for html-interfaces u detection of dead links u keyword index u programming of free and field-oriented searching / retrieval system Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Conception of the gateway n Search & browse possibilities n Subject trees for browsing n Result of search u List type: title, publisher, U RL -> link u Detailed description by listed site n Help manual on use, navigation, resource adding… n Background documents: scope policy, selection criteria, etc. Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Output draft Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Aims of Research 1. Strategy n Develop cross-national information exchange n Develop and apply cataloguing standards n Develop guidelines
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Aims of Research 2. Facility n Develop geographically distributed data collection system n Develop an online updating facility n Develop and English-language, subject-oriented keyword index
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Subject trees for browsing (9) n addictive behaviour and substance use n consequences and effects n economics and trafficking n education and prevention n history and culture n policy n psychoactive substances n research treatment and services Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Results filters (5) n Countries n Language n Resource type n Audience n Environment
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Current state and objectives for June 2003 n Current state of the art: u data collection process starting u website conception running u university server database available n Objectives for June 2003 u Gateway available on the net u Catalogue of more than 800 web sites u 33 countries and pan-European sites represented u Existence of a solid working group for management Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Future n Continous updating process n Trainings u within E LISAD for sharing knowledge and skills ongoing & future maintenance u of professionals in A OD and health n Possible extension u to more Eastern European countries, u to international websites... Method & conception
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps Gateway Phase 2 Objectives n Broaden and develop networking all over Europe n Update and extend data collection to establish Gateway as a unique, reliable information resource n Develop partnerships with comparable gateways n Adapt and refine technical processing
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps The gateway is for your use n n We need your expertise & input for: u testing the gateway prototype u evaluating the final result u suggesting sites to be evaluated… u promoting the project n Interested? Contact : l l What about you?
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps
Gateway What is Elisad? Why a gateway? Method & conception What about you? First steps