COPYRIGHT AND FAIR USE for Faculty and Staff
In this workshop you will… Develop working definitions of copyright and fair use Test classroom materials for compliance On ground Hybrid Online Discuss unresolved issues Explore resources
Caveats I am not a lawyer I am not an expert I do not speak for Macomb Unresolved copyright issues are many and complex The issue is in constant flux
Define Copyright Copyright is “the right to copy” Since the U.S. joined the Berne Convention (1989), copyright is automatic – notices are optional Alternative copyright – Creative Commons, GNU GPL, CopyleftCreative Commons GNU GPLCopyleft
Define Fair Use Fair use is a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. (Wikipedia) Four-factor balancing test DMCA TEACH (Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization) Act U.S. Copyright Office definition
Activity What about your materials? Scenario 1: You are showing a movie to your on ground class. The movie you have is a VHS tape, but the new mediated cart only has DVD. Scenario 2: Same as above, but with a hybrid or online class. Scenario 3: You are preparing a PowerPoint lecture, and you need some pictures. Can you copy from the web? About what scenarios do you have questions?
Macomb Resources Digital Millennium Copyright ACT Compliance Digital Millennium Copyright ACT Compliance Fair Use Policy Fair Use Policy Use of Computer Software Use of Computer Software Guidelines for Educational Uses of Music Guidelines for Educational Uses of Music Guidelines for Books and Periodicals Guidelines for Books and Periodicals Copyright Clearance Form Copyright Clearance Form Teresa Biegun Teresa Biegun
Other Resources ALA Distance Education and the TEACH Act ALA Distance Education and the TEACH Act Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use Know Your Copy Rights Know Your Copy Rights Copyright, Fair Use, and Teaching and Learning Innovation in a Web 2.0 World Copyright, Fair Use, and Teaching and Learning Innovation in a Web 2.0 World