Composition Video Productions
Composition What is composition? Composition is the way you arrange the items you are filming to appear on the screen.
Framing & Angles Framing - How much of your subject fills the frame Angles - the angle of the camera to your subject
Frame Names & abbreviations Extreme Long Shot [XLS] Long Shot [LS] Full Shot [FS] 3/4 Shot [3/4] Medium Shot [MS] Meduim Close Up [MCU] Close Up [CU] Extreme Close Up [XCU]
The subject fills a very small portion of the frame Ext Long Shot [XLS] Subject: Man on stage
The subject fills a very small portion of the frame Ext Long Shot [XLS] Subject: Man
The subject fills a very small portion of the frame Ext Long Shot [XLS] Subject: Riders
The subject and a LOT of the surrounding area fills the frame Long Shot [LS] Subject: boys
The subject and a LOT of the surrounding area fills the frame Long Shot [LS] Subject: People
The subject and a LOT of the surrounding area fills the frame Long Shot [LS] Subject: Kids
The entire subject fills the frame Full Shot [FS] Subject: Bicycle
The entire subject fills the frame Full Shot [FS] Subject: Guitar
The entire subject fills the frame Full Shot [FS] Subject: Band
¾ of the subject fills the frame ¾ Shot [3/4] Subject: Man
¾ of the subject fills the frame ¾ Shot [3/4] Subject: People
¾ of the subject fills the frame ¾ Shot [3/4] Subject: People
About ½ of the subject fills the frame Medium Shot [MS] Subject: Guy
About ½ of the subject fills the frame Medium Shot [MS] Subject: Guy
About ½ of the subject fills the frame Medium Shot [MS] Subject: Guy
More than a Close Up but less than a Medium Shot of the subject fills the frame. Medium Close Up [MCU] Subject: boy
More than a Close Up but less than a Medium Shot of the subject fills the frame. Medium Close Up [MCU] Subject: guy
More than a Close Up but less than a Medium Shot of the subject fills the frame. Medium Close Up [MCU] Subject: man
Part of the Subject fills the frame. Close Up [CU] Subject: puppy
Part of the Subject fills the frame. Close Up [CU] Subject: apple
Part of the Subject fills the frame. Close Up [CU] Subject: elephant
Part of the Subject fills the frame. Close Up [CU] Subject: girl
A SMALL part of the Subject fills the frame. Extreme Close Up [ECU] Subject: dog
A SMALL part of the Subject fills the frame. Extreme Close Up [ECU] Subject: windmill
A SMALL part of the Subject fills the frame. Extreme Close Up [ECU] Subject: guy
Angles Birds-Eye [BE] High Angle [HA] Eye Level [EYE] Low Angle [LA] Worms-Eye [WE]
The camera is DIRECTLY above the subject looking down. Birds-eye [BE] Subject: hockey players
The camera is DIRECTLY above the subject looking down. Birds-eye [BE] Subject: Space Shuttle & plane
The camera is DIRECTLY above the subject looking down. Birds-eye [BE] Subject: kid
The camera is above the subject looking down. High Angle [HA] Subject: student
The camera is above the subject looking down. High Angle [HA] Subject: student
The camera is above the subject looking down. High Angle [HA] Subject: chicken
The camera is level with the subject. Eye Level [EYE] Subject: guy
The camera is level with the subject. Eye Level [EYE] Subject: seal
The camera is level with the subject. Eye Level [EYE] Subject: guy
The camera is below the subject looking up. Low Angle [LA] Subject: guy
The camera is below the subject looking up. Low Angle [LA] Subject: wolf
The camera is below the subject looking up. Low Angle [LA] Subject: guys
The camera is below the subject looking up. Low Angle [LA] Subject: building
The camera is DIRECTLY below the subject looking up. Worm’s Eye [WE] Subject: guys
The camera is DIRECTLY below the subject looking up. Worm’s Eye [WE] Subject: Basketball player
The camera is DIRECTLY below the subject looking up. Worm’s Eye [WE] Subject: dandelion