Structure and Dynamics of Armenia’s GDP Agriculture Trade, etc. Real Estate, etc. Public admin Manufacturing Utilities Real Growth of Industry Value Added (annual average, ) Share of GDP (2011) GDP Growth (9%) Transport and Comm. Financial intermediation ~100k employees in 2011 Mining and quarrying Hotels and restaurants Construction Education Health & social work Other Source: National Statistical Services, Republic of Armenia 15.5k employees, making it 3 rd smallest employer 2.9% of GDP, making it 3 rd smallest industry 37.5% avg annual growth rate, 2 nd fastest growing industry
Growth of Mining Value Added, year-to-year, Average Growth (37.5%) Source: National Statistical Services, Republic of Armenia While the growth rate of mining —an average of 37.5% per year over a decade—is large, two caveats are necessary: a)The average belies a volatile industry, highly dependent on international commodity markets b)The absolute amount is small—only 2.9% of the 2011 GDP.
Source: National Statistical Services Number of People Employed in Mining, Share of mining in total national employment (in %) Number of mining employees (in thousands) Comment on employment and wages
Distribution of Mining Activity across Armenia’s Marzes, (2010) 90% in Syunik Source: National Statistical Services, Republic of Armenia
Source: National Statistical Services Mining’s share of all of Armenia’s exports Share of all exports (value) Share of all exports (tons) 256 thousand tons $297 million In 2011, a fifth of export revenues was from minerals For good part of the mid-2000s, mining comprised 60% of export revenues. But that share has been declining starting in 2009.
$12940 per ton $60 per ton $230 per ton $930 per ton $2200 per ton Exported by product type and reported value (2011) King of quantity King of value
ProductQuantity USD Amount Main Destination Copper ores and concentrate k tons $260.5mlnBulgaria Spain Zink ores and concentrate 14.8 k tons$13.9 mlnSwitzerland Ore and concentrates molibdenic 860 tons$11.1mlnRepublic of Korea Netherlands METALLIC ORES, SLAG and ASH Exports : Quantities and Values (2011)
Precious stones and metals Exports : Quantities and Values (2011) ProductQuantity USD Amount Ferro-alloys tons121.3 mln Unrefined copper, copper anodes, electrolytic refining tons114.6 mln Aluminium foil of a thickness <0.2mm tons86.9 mln Molybdenum and articles thereof, waste or scrap tons15.4 mln Gold, unwrought, semimanufactured, powder 2.3 tons67.3 mln
GENERATION OF INCOME ACCOUNT BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Resources Uses Mining and quarrying gross value added compensati on of employees other net taxes on production gross operating surplus and gross mixed income of which consumption of fixed capital net operating surplus and net mixed income
Income structure in mining production by Generetion of income account