ICEDD E-PRTR: Point of view and questions of the extractive sector about the Guidance Document FORTEA + MRW: DGRNE + ICEDD
2 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register European Pollutant Emission Register familiar to cement and lime producers but new to quarries 2007 first year of monitoring for quarries First reporting: January 2008 Collaboration Walloon Region Authorities with FORTEA to clarify some items related to PRTR declaration Background Quarry specific issues Next actions
3 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions E-PRTR Annex I includes at Opencast mining and quarrying where the surface of the area under extractive operations equals 25 ha. Guidance document clarify this surface
4 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Reserves Rehabilitated area Under extractive operations
5 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Starts with: top soil stripping Ends with: rehabilitation according to permit To be approved by competent authorities
6 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions 1site, 4 installations, 4 operators, 1reporting
7 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions 2 sites, 2 facilities, 2operators, 2 reporting
8 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Area effectively under extractive operations Background Quarry specific issues Next actions 2 sites, 2 installations, 1 operator, 2 reporting
9 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to air, water and land No land released known Background Quarry specific issues Next actions How to monitor releases into air?
10 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to air Method suggested: Measurement if single point of emission Calculation for diffuse emissions (majority of case) -Process description with emissions sources Background Quarry specific issues Next actions
11 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to air Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Emission = Activity Data * Emission Factor * Attenuation factor (E=AD*EF*AF) E= emission to air to report AD = activity data measures the activity of the facility e.g. –For PM 10, quantity of product processed per year –For other pollutant: annual fuel consumption or annual working time EF = emission factors as listed in approved reference list AD = attenuation factor as listed in approved reference list e.g. –Use of water spray during production decrease the amount of PM 10 emitted.
12 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to air Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Source: process. Use EF in g/t produced e.g. AP42 from US EPA or other approved reference Sources: engines (dumper, loader), heating device,... Use EF given by the constructor in g/working hour or g/l of fuel
13 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to water Method suggested: Sampling of releases of waste water and analysis of pollutants content. Compute annual load by multiplying analysis results by annual flow. -Describe hydro- geological conditions and water flows to qualify dewatering outlet water Background Quarry specific issues Next actions
14 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Release to water Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Aquifer Perched water table River Surface water Meteoric precipitation Quarry Subtract background load Don’t subtract background load Water flow
15 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Site transfers Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Not a specific issue for quarry Mining Waste Directive doesn’t change the issue
16 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD E-PRTR for Quarries in a nutshell Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Producer propose a technical file containing: Site description with specification of the area under effective exploitation and operators Facility description including flow-sheet and describing air emissions sources Calculations principles: description of AD, EF and AF Hydro geological scheme with water inlet and oulet releases description Water pollutant sampling plan and annual flow measurement List of off-site transfer wastes Technical file submitted to competent authority for approval
17 JmV E-PRTR FORTEA + MRW:DGRNE + ICEDD Work programme Background Quarry specific issues Next actions Complete guidance to the Guidance Document with Regions Administrations: Acceptance of principles. Choice of EF and AF for PM 10 and other air pollutant Diffusion of the document through FORTEA Workshop with authorities and producers Review of the document for 2009 declaration