Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 1 An Open Standard Description Language for Semantic Grid Services Assembly for Autonomic Computing Overlay Wail M. Omar Faculty of Applied Sciences Sohar University Sohar, P.C. 311 Sultanate of Oman A. Taleb-Bendiab Liverpool John Moores University Byrom Street Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK M. Yu Liverpool John Moores University Byrom Street Liverpool, L3 AF, UK
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 2 Scope Vision of Global Computing –Requirements –State-of-the-art/Problem Assembly Services and Infrastructure Description Language (ASIDL) –ASIDL schema in details –A description through an illustrative example Further Works and Evaluation
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 3 Vision of Global Computing Global Computing Overlay –Web services standards and model are further developed to support the vision of global computing, which can be characterised as an overlay abstraction upon existing global infrastructures (grid) providing end-users programming, interaction and control models to develop, deploy and manage their required applications for the modern virtual organization business model. –Thus achieving high-availability whilst reducing cost of ownership of computing assets including data and physical resources. To achieve this vision much research work is underway investigating new theories, computational paradigms, languages and implementation techniques for the designing, building, deployment and management of future global computational environments and infrastructures
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 4 Autonomic Computing Autonomic computing is envisaged as model to underpin self-managing global computing. –Pre-requisite for AC is availability and access to a range of models; Services and infrastructures, etc. –Such information include service’s methods, –operations, –required infrastructure, –contract information, –and description language version.
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 5 State-of-the-art UDDI standard is widely used and supported by most middleware technologies such as; –Jini, CORBA,.Net, Globus UDDI standard model provides –some business (Name of the author and Contract ID) –basic services information (Access Point, Service Description, and Interface definitions (WSDL)) WSDL provides specific service model –By Invoking the WSDL –Disadvantages of Invoking WSDL To Get Information are: Waste of time Costly in the mean of time Load on the network and communication resources taking in the consideration million of requesting and transferring files Some of the WSDL files are too long, and it is difficult to get complete information from it
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 6 Assembly Services and Infrastructure Description Language (ASIDL) There is a need for yet another description language –that gives significant information at deployment process which help the consumer and the system in discovering and managing processes. Assembly Services and Infrastructure Description Language (ASIDL) was designed to complement WSDL and provide –users –Autonomic Middleware Assembled services meta models infrastructures on deployment process, such information is needed by software application or other service providers to decided which one of the available services is more suitable and the way to access or invoke it.
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 7 Assembly Services and Infrastructure Description Language (ASIDL) Assembly Information Services Aggregation Infrastructure Aggregation Assembly Information ID Name Comment Version Meta-ServicesMeta- Infrastructure Assembly Services Contract Inform. ID Name Lease
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 8 ASIDL: Services-Meta Model Meta-Services Services Inform User Interface inform Method Information Required Infrastructures Contract Info Services Information ID Name Description DescriptionLanguageType Category Type Container Location Authorized Dependency Be Infrastructure User-Interface ID Name Location Method Inform. ID Name Input parameter Input type Output parameter Output type Required Infrastructure ID Name Location
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 9 ASIDL: Infrastructure-Meta Model Meta-Infrastructure Infrastructure Information Infrastructure requirement Contract Information Infrastructure Inform. ID Name Description Category Platform Middleware Host Server Infrastructure Requirement Processor Memory Storage
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 10 Assembly Services XML Schema
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 11 Services-Meta Model XML Schema
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 12 Infrastructure-Meta Model XML Schema
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 13 Evaluation ASIDL has been tested on LAN-based settings, –to design a self-managing middleware for software services. –Tested in a number of case-studies including Intelligent Connected Homes E-Health Based Grid System –So far results are promising For software and infrastructure services discovery –response time –Accuracy depending on search parameters and the accuracy of deploying service and infrastructure information.
Wail Omar, ISCW’04, China, Date:, Slide 14 Further Works Further tests –WAN-based test with large number of services. Integration with other developed models for –QoP and QoS through sensor and actuator model Use by our Machine Learning autonomic middleware service –Based on Self-Organizing Map Applications/infrastructure services usage model characterisation and prediction