Effective OJT Program NCDOT
OJT Program The Federal Highway Administration under title 23 CFR, part 230 requires all state highway agencies to establish and utilize On-the-Job Training on federally-funded highway construction projects.
Federal Requirements Train and upgrade minorities, women and disadvantaged persons to journeyman level status in the highway construction industry; Establish a plentiful and well diverse pool of skilled workers for the highway construction industry; and Demonstrate that equal opportunity exists in the highway construction industry
Alternate Vs Traditional
Alternate Annual goal Calendar year agreement Flexible work-site Monthly training reports Certificate of completion Traditional Project goal Contract provisions Weekly federal payroll Monthly training reports Certificate of completion
Effective Leadership
Do not wait to use rules and regulations to help your program succeed Proactive Passion Advocate Get Involved Success
For Employers Improve skills Improve productivity Improve efficiency Develops diverse workforce
For Trainees Self-esteem Self confidence Financial reward Certificate
Effectiveness of a Good Relationship
Contractors Improves Communication Improves response Increases Collaboration
Mentors/Coach, Supervisors Allows Mentors/Coaches to develop a relationship with OJT Staff Willing to assist in setting up interviews Willing to provide support at the job site to facilitate the interview process Reinforces effective training for trainees
Trainees The OJT Representative Explanation and importance of program Answer questions from trainees Allows one-on-one communication Allows trainees to identify with the DOT DOT’s commitment to the trainee
Effective Tools
OJT Manual (English and Spanish) DVD and media Information Newsletter Brochures for trainees (English and Spanish), for Coach/Mentor Pocket Card Certificate OJT Trainee Interviews Bilingual Specialist
Mandate Program Vs. Economic Development
Economic Impact Job Creation Economic Dollar/Indirect Impact $ 8.50 Hr. average wage x 2080 Hrs. per year $17,680 income-Impact (1) x154 trainees $2,722,720 earning-impact (2) 154 trainees x 10 (1x2) 1,540 jobs Employment-Impact (3) $27,227,200 Total Indirect-Impact per year
Social Impact Not measured by dollars and cents Relieves financial burden for taxpayers Increase employment opportunities Creates a better life for individuals
Construction Impact For the amount of money used to fund the On-the-Job Training Program, you can clearly see the economic impact it has within the state. The highway construction industry benefits greatly with the assistance of OJT in developing a skilled diverse workforce in meeting the needs and challenges it faces entering the 21 st Century.
Effective Result
2008 OJT Program Summary OJT Program Trainees Enrolled in Trainees Terminated during Trainees Participating in the Program 125 Total Graduates 120 Trainees Still Active for
Demographic breakdown of all Program Participants 2008 RaceMaleFemaleTotal Minorities73462% Non-minorities40838% Total
Demographic Breakdown of Trainees Graduated in 2008 RaceMaleFemaleTotal Minorities67459% Non-minorities371241% Total
Total Graduation in %
Trainee Interviews in Interviews 131 Initial Interviews 30 Follow-Up Interviews 80 Graduate Interviews
Outreach Construction Career Days
“Our Commitment to You” “Training Makes The Difference”