Impact of the cohesion policy on employment in the Czech Republic Budapest, 6th May 2010 Jana Váňová National Training Fund, Prague
Structure 1.Introduction of involved institutions 2.Methodological approach in the Czech Republic (incl. main focus of evaluation and main interventions covered by evaluation) 3.Expected output/results
Introduction Ministry for Regional Development (MfRD) published Call for tender (23rd March 2010) Bids submited (15th April 2010) The best bid selected (23rd April 2010) Selected bid proposed by the consortium consisted of the NTF and HOPE-ES
National Training Fund Leader of the consortium National Training Fund in Prague public benefit organisation private, non-governmental organisation focus: human resources development, employment support about 40 experts
National Training Fund Involvement in transnational, national and regional projects Main transnational clients/partners: EC, OECD, CEDEFOP, ETF Main national clients/partners: MoLSA, MoE, MfRD, universities Main regional clients/partners: regional authorities in 14 Czech regions
HOPE-ES HOPE-ES in Prague and Brno: Public benefit organisation Focus: consulting and training, preparation, management and evaluation of programmes and projects About experts
HOPE-ES Main clients/partners: MoI - training of civil servants and representatives of regions and municipalities MoE – analysis of project promoters MfRD – evaluation of implementation of regional programmes
Methodological approach Methodology influenced by the Call of the MfRD the methodological report published by the Polish MoRD and PAG Unicosult the available data the limited time
Methodological approach Main objective: to determine the role and impact of the European cohesion policy on improving the level and quality of employment in the CZ Maximum comparability with the „Polish“ methodology Specific aspects/features of the Czech Republic
Interventions Period : Phare, EQUAL Period 2004 – 2008: : –Cohesion Fund –OP HRD, SPD Objective 3, OP Industry and Enterprise –OP HR and Employment (2007 – 2008), OP Prague Adaptability ( ) –Specific (also regional) programmes
Methodological aproach Acceptation of 4 evaluation criteria: utility, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability Two main levels of analysis: top-down, bottom-up Use of comparable indicators: e. g. number of jobs created, number of beneficiaries who increased their qualification as result of intervention
Methodological approach Use of several methods: desk research interviews with entrepreneurs (and other stakeholders) questionnaires/surveys Focus on two selected periods: 1999 – 2003 and 2004 – 2008
Methodological approach Examples of positive features: data on employment (and its structure) several previous evaluation reports/studies cooperation with MoLSA – databases of projects research on employment trends
Methodological approach Negative features: not all data available – e. g. on sustainability of new jobs specific national methodology in the field of employment statistics higher number of interventions short period – about 8 weeks
Expected outputs/results Final report Its core: 12 sections corresponding with 12 questions presented in the Polish methodological report Extent: about 100 pages in EN Deadline: 30th June 2010
Expected outputs/results Current situation: data gathering preparatory analyses selection of appropriate studies preparation of questionnaires & interviews negotiations with Ministries and other relevant institutions
Thank you for your attention Jana Váňová