Unit 10 Southeast Asia, Oceania and Antarctica
Most Southeast Asian islands are found in archipelagos. On the islands, a great majority of mountains were formed from volcanic activity.
The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is 1,250 miles long. This reef contains around 400 species of coral. This reef can be seen from outer-space.
The Great Barrier Reef is threatened by modern land-clearing and livestock- grazing methods that cause tons of sediment to wash into the sea and by toxic runoff from farmlands treated with pesticides and fertilizers.
Australia’s Unique Life Forms
Invasion of Rabbits First introduced by a colonist who imported them from England for the sport of hunting, rabbits have now caused many problems for Australians.
Nuclear Testing An arms race between the U.S. and Soviet Union during the 1940s and 1950s caused many problems throughout islands in the South Pacific. The U.S. conducted 66 tests in the Pacific.
Colonialism and Its Aftermath Many European nations and the Japanese sought control of Southeast Asia to obtain the region’s wealth. The United States became involved in the Vietnam War to prevent Communist North Vietnam from taking over South Vietnam.
In 1973, the United States withdrew from the war. In 1975, South Vietnam surrendered and Vietnam became one country, ruled by Communists. Also in that year Communist took over both Cambodia and Laos.
Oceania Southeast Asian mainlanders reached nearby islands by canoes or land bridges. Islanders died of European diseases, local customs disappeared and islands came under foreign control.