Agency Recruitment - Recruitment Software – Recruitment Outsourcing – Recruitment Audit – Online Training – Candidate Coaching – Candidate Assessment 19 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland Cloud Recruitment – your 6 step guide to direct hires Brian Cunningham
Step 1 – Employment Brand Top talent wants to work for top companies Good Candidates research What does your online presence say about your company? Define your target audience and your message Claim your company space This is where your perspective candidates hang out online Welcome to our office Employee online profiles A day in the life video blog Recommendations from staff Don’t forget your own web site!
Step 2 –Broadcast Leverage your staff’s LI / Facebook connections Push your jobs to their networks Make it easy for them to do this Set up a company LI Group Share your jobs to this group Share job on LI Groups Social Media Define your target audience Define the message you want to give them Push content not just jobs Company Updates New hires New sales
Step 3 – Attract Advertising (not dead) still works for certain roles Use the free sites that are out there to promote your jobs Almost 70 in Ireland Point job aggregators at your jobs Cast the net as wide as possible Majority of job advertisements work to exclude applicants You want as many to apply as possible – if you have filtering tools to identify the once who are the best fit.
Step 4 – Filter / Process On line assessments Job Fit Company Fit Skills Assessments Build a database Future Candidates Market company to them to keep them interested Build a relationship Respond in a timely fashion
Step 5 - Interview Good candidates are hard to find Be flexible Out of hours Online Interviews are two way streets Sell your company
Step 6 – On Board Get the contract signed quickly Get them engaged with your company straight away Invite them into your office Meet the team Lunch with manager Get them to prepare for starting Beware of the counter offer You are hiring them they must be good You would not want to loose them Talk to them about potential counter offers Counter offers in last week
Is there still a place for agencies? High Skilled, Low Volume Trusted specialist agency Partnership approach to fill role Engage on an exclusive basis Engage early Skilled Agencies Understand your jobs Experts in recruitment tools and techniques Reach candidates not accessible through standard recruitment methods
Agency Recruitment - Recruitment Software – Recruitment Outsourcing – Recruitment Audit – Online Training – Candidate Coaching – Candidate Assessment 19 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland Brian Cunningham