Needs Assessment & Analysis
Process used to determine whether training is necessary Needs Assessment Process used to determine whether training is necessary Why needs assessment ? Training maybe incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem Training programs may have the wrong content, objectives, or methods Trainees maybe sent to training programs for which they do not have the basic or prerequisite skills Training will not deliver the expected learning, behavior change or financial results that the company expects Money wld be spent on unnecessary programs
Model of the Needs Assessment Process Organizational Support Analysis Requirements Task & KSA Person Analysis Establish Rel with top mgmt other orgnal members Form Liaison team Specify goals Determine Training climate Identify External & Legal Constraints Define the Target job Choose methods participants points of contact Anticipate problems Develop a protocol Analyze tasks & KSA’s Develop tasks Form task clusters Develop KSA’s Relevant KSAs & tasks Link relevant KSA’s to tasks Performance Indicators KSA gaps in Target population Approach to Resolve gaps
Causes & Outcomes of needs assessment Pressure Points Lack of basic skills Poor performance New Technology Customer requests New Products Higher standards New jobs Outcomes What trainees need to learn Who receives training Type of training Frequency of training Buy Vs. Build training Trg vs other HR options How trg shd be evaluated What is the context In what do they need Training Org analysis Operator Operation Who needs Training
Who initiates the Identification of training needs? Managers – recognize needs due to dept performance results, individual performance appraisals, future plans, new equipments & systems Employees – to improve current performance or to prepare for other jobs Staff dept – from activities such as employee opinion surveys, exit interviews, succession planning, budget reports etc. Training employees – Through training courses & performance surveys External Consultants – As part of organizational study projects, performance assessments
Initiating the Identification of Training needs A published procedure Requisition forms from anyone in the organization An Annual survey Conducted by training department Requirement that all appropriate activities like performance reviews, purchase of new equipment, employee opinion surveys include communication to the training function of any possible training needs
Who should participate in Needs Assessment? Subject Matter Experts Trainers, Technical experts, Managers, Employees, Academics Who are knowledgeable in regard to Training issues including tasks to be performed KSA’s required for successful task performance Necessary equipment Condition under which tasks have to be performed Job Incumbents
Key concerns Upper Level Managers Is training important to achieve our business objectives? What business units need training? Mid Level Managers Do I want to spend money on trg? How much? Who should be trained? Mgrs/Employees For what jobs can training make the biggest difference in product quality or customer service? Trainers Do I have the budget to buy training services? Will managers support training? How will I identify employees need training? What tasks should be trained? What KSA’s or other characteristics are important
Training Needs A gap between actual performance & desired performance or between current abilities & job requirements that can be closed by training Categories of Training needs Needs of the Organization Needs of the Individual
Training needs of the Organization Recognized Training needs Planned training needs, required by all Need to know the organization, its structure, policies, procedures, benefits Need to know a department, its rules, operating procedures & personnel Need to have specific job skills & knowledge not generally known by employees Requested Training needs Unplanned needs resulting from different activities Changes in jobs/systems Addition of new equipment Department Performance reviews New government requirements Employee opinion surveys, organizational studies, dept meetings Exit Interviews conducted with departing employees
Training needs of Individual employees Initiated through activities such as Performance Reviews Selection Process Testing & Assessment Employee Career Objectives Succession plans
Deciding what you need to know Elements the analysis should produce in its final report Training Subjects Importance of the Training Urgency or time requirements Current training population Potential training population Frequency of training Subject review & update Required results of the training Content information sources
Training Needs Analysis Report SAMPLE Elements the analysis should produce in its final report Training Subjects How to operate the new product pricing system from a PC Importance of the Training Will reduce individual order pricing by 10% & increase order processing & invoicing speed by 30% for annual company savings of$250000 Urgency of the training New system available for training by June 12, will go online by August 12. All order processing employees to be trained by August 12 Current training population 47 order processors, 6 supervisors, 2 managers, 3 information systems technicians
Training Needs Analysis Report SAMPLE Potential training population Based on turnover & projected sales, the following employees will be added each year for the next 5 years - 7 order processors, 1 supervisor, 1 manager, 1 information systems technician Frequency of training Small no of future trainees, so focus on initial group training course for current employees & a self study version for the later training Subject review & update To be surveyed annually. Changes to be communicated to training dept Required results of the training Order processors can price products via their PCs at a rate of 50 per hour, with no more than a 2% error rate Content information sources The company from which the system was purchased Managers of the product pricing dept Information processing technicians
Procedures for Identifying Training Needs Individual Procedures Interviews Need to know process Job Analysis Grid Performance Reviews Job Analysis Task Analysis Job Sampling Group Procedures Meetings Conferences Focus Groups Written Procedures Questionnaires Information gathering questionnaires Behavioral questionnaires Surveys Online questionnaires Self- Reports Tests & Assessments 360 degree & peer reviews Other Procedures Experts Combinations
Methods used in Needs Assessment
Interviews Knowing whom to interview Planning the Interview Designing the Questions Scheduling the Interview Notifying the Interviewee Conducting the Interview Conclude the Interview
Interviews Advantages Disadvantages Good at uncovering details of training needs as well as causes & solutions of problems Can explore unanticipated issues that come up Questions can be modified Disadvantages Time consuming Difficult to analyze Needs skilled interviewer Clients may feel self conscious, suspicious Difficult to schedule Clients only provide information you want to hear
Job Analysis Grid Interviews Method to eliminate the drawback of information contamination in traditional interviews Outgrowth of a behavioral inquiry technique called the Repertoire Grid – a comprehensive approach for identifying specific human behaviors Begins with a series of questions that do not appear to be related to the objective of the investigation A less direct form of interview, requires more time and an interviewer trained in the technique Suited more to determine basic needs, when the investigation is for a possible first time course.
Job Analysis Grid Interviews The Process State the objective, but be less specific Check for interviewee questions Give a brief discussion of what will occur Ask your questions Note responses on index cards – one keyword per card Shuffle the cards & select 3 at random – Show to employee & ask to select 2 of them which are more in common Remove the least common. Ask what others have in common Again note keywords Reinsert the cards, reshuffle & repeat the process till there are no new responses Conclude the Interview & combining results
A typical Job Analysis Grid Interview SAMPLE Conducted with a supervisor to identify the management competencies required for a supervisor’s position Questions & Answers Q- What did u discover during your first month as a supervisor that was a surprise to you? A -Need to know employment procedures (Employment procedures) - Some employees are not motivated (Motivation) - Must have a daily plan (Planning) Q - What are the three best features of being a supervisor? A – Compensation (Compensation) - Being in charge (Authority) - Being a part of management (Management)
A typical Job Analysis Grid Interview SAMPLE Q - What are the three things you would most like to change? A – Hours (Work Schedule) Pre supervisory Training (Training) Improve communications (Communications) Q – If supervisors are dissatisfied with their job, what is the most likely reason? A – Cannot control employees (Controlling) - No leadership (Leadership) Q - What would have helped you to know before starting work as a supervisor? A – Employee histories (Employee histories) - Payroll Procedures (Payroll Procedures) Q - What areas do you still not know? A – Disciplinary procedures (Disciplinary procedures) - Interviewing (Interviewing)
A typical Job Analysis Grid Interview SAMPLE Three cards displayed – Controlling, Disciplinary procedures, Employment procedures What they had in common - Controlling, Knowing Disciplinary procedures, Oral communication, One to one meeting Concluding What competencies are missing? Group – Musts, Wants, Not necessary Prioritize
The Need to Know Process Based on discovering exactly what a person to be trained needs to know in order to meet the objectives of the training When to use When number of people to be trained To teach a new subject as well as to make revisions to existing training Can be used to design the training course & also conduct it The person who conducts it should have full knowledge of the ultimate training course content or job for which training is provided People to be interviewed must be representative of those to be trained & have varying levels of performance
The Need to Know Process The technique Planning Identify what the outcomes of the training are to be & then the specifics. Prepare the ‘final exam’ for the training course Implementation Participant brought into private area with equipment & materials required Explain the process to trainee Record questions by trainee Provide information as required & make note of what is asked, what is provided Conclusion – Ask for reactions
Key Consultation Advantages Disadvantages With persons who are in a good position to know what the training needs of a particular group are Advantages Simple & Inexpensive Input of number of individuals with his own perspectives of needs Disadvantages Built in bias, since based on views of few who see it from their perspective May result in partial picture of training needs
Observation Advantages Disadvantages Technical/ behavioral Structured/unstructured Advantages Generates data relevant to work Minimizes interruption of work Disadvantages Needs Skilled observers Employees behavior maybe affected by being observed
Group Discussions Advantages Disadvantages Structured/ Unstructured Brainstorming, Force- fields, Organizational mirroring Advantages Permits on the spot synthesis of different viewpoints Shared function Help participants become better problem analysts Disadvantages Time consuming Can produce data difficult to synthesize & quantify
Focus Groups Advantages Disadvantages Useful with complex or controversial issues that one person maybe unable or unwilling to explore Questions can be modified to explore unanticipated issues Disadvantages Time consuming to organize Group members only provide information they think you want to hear Group members maybe reluctant to participate if status or position differences exist among members
Tests Tests are standardized & objective measures of skills, knowledge & competencies Measures differences between individuals & between individuals & some predetermined standard Ensure that they Measure what you need to measure Are error free Are valid within your environment & your population Are administered & scored properly, with a common understanding of how to interpret results
Tests Advantages Disadvantages Functionally oriented to test proficiency Maybe used to sample learned ideas & facts Advantages Helpful in determining whether cause of problem is deficiency in skill, knowledge or attitude Results are easily quantifiable & comparable Disadvantages Limited number of validated tests available
Assessments Procedures designed to measure employee behaviors that can be the basis for determining training needs It includes Job Simulations Psychological interviews Assessment Centers Self Testing Devices High implementation costs & time
Questionnaires Advantages Disadvantages Surveys/Polls, Question formats, Self administered Advantages Inexpensive Can collect data from a large number of persons Data easily summarized Disadvantages Requires time Possible low return rates, inappropriate response Lacks detail Only provides information directly related to questions asked Less flexible
Documentation (Technical manuals, records) Advantages Good source of information on procedure Good source of task information for new jobs Disadvantages Difficulty in understanding technical language Materials maybe obsolete
Print Media Advantages Disadvantages Professional journals, trade magazines, in-house publications Advantages Source of information for uncovering normative needs Provides current information Readily available Disadvantages Can be a problem when it comes to the data analysis & synthesis into a useable form