W HAT IS W EB D ESIGN It includes graphic design Interface design Interactivity Using Standardized Programming Language Search Engine Optimization Other Usable Tools and Resources
G OOD W EB D ESIGN INCLUDES Purpose (What is the purpose of your site? ) Site must be attractive Simplicity Web page must be simple Web site must be easy to navigate This could be a challenge Must have between 5 – 8 links on main page Keep consistency throughout the site Navigable
I MPORTANT T HINGS A BOUT D ESIGNING User Experience Interactive Design Must be user friendly Take into account the access to technology individuals might have Plug ins Downloads / Time Page Layout Consistency Typography Graphics Code Written
W EB P AGE V S. W EB S ITE Web Page: It normally has an address like this: It is a simple page refering to a particular page within a website Web Site: It normally has an address like this: It is a collection of webpages Websites are composed of many different pages
H ISTORY OF THE WEB Mosaic First graphics interfaced web browser UNIX Text based interface browser Browsers War Between Mainly between Microsoft and Netscape
H ISTORY OF THE W EB Flash developed in 1996 Required a plug in and thus it was not popular at the beginning Animated GIF and Java Script were more popular to make websites interactive
T YPES OF W EB S ITES AND THEIR C APABILITIES Companies want to reach their Target Audience Types of Sites Business to Business Business to Consumer Internal Sites (LANS) Reputation of companies
P ROGRAMS USED TO BUILD WEB PAGES Dreamweaver Microsoft Frontpage WYSIWYG Programs
I N -C LASS A SSIGNMENT Select a website of your choice Browse the site analyzing its content Please answer the following questions 1. Why did you choose this site? 2. Is this a good website? Why or Why not? 3. What do you think the purpose of this site is? 4. Who do you think the target audience is? 5. How would you improve the site? Please explain in detail Please answer each of the questions in complete sentences. You are to use MS Word and must answer all of the questions in complete sentences. You must write down the question. Follow the instructions on the syllabus with regards to homework and written assignments.
R EFERENCES AND R ESEARCH practices One_png.png I/AAAAAAAAAfc/kCTTyhC48Io/s1600/frontpage.jpg 462x301.jpg