Ayn Rand’s Philosophy of Objectivism Definition: an extreme form of individualism which Rand explained as “the concept of man as a heroic being with his.


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Presentation transcript:

Ayn Rand’s Philosophy of Objectivism Definition: an extreme form of individualism which Rand explained as “the concept of man as a heroic being with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and with reason as his only absolute.”

Central Theme : That universal concepts have an objective reality “which exists independently of any perceiver or the perceiver’s emotions, wishes, hopes, or fears.” Example: GRAVITY is a universal concept which has objective reality: man didn’t invent gravity gods didn’t reveal it in a dream or vision gravity just IS Man is capable of understanding, interpreting, and using concepts such as gravity because humans have superior reasoning ability. “Reason,” said Rand, “is man’s only means of true knowledge.”

John Galt, Rand’s protagonist in Atlas Shrugged, expresses her message as a call to action for man to do 5 things: Earn his own keep Take responsibility for his own life, no one else’s Be a rationalist Be an individualist Be a producer

Rand proposed that man: Exists for his own sake The pursuit of his own happiness is his highest moral purpose He should not sacrifice himself to others He should not sacrifice others to himself

4 Basic Tenets of Rand’s Philosophy 1.Rationalism: the using of one’s mind to determine truth through personal experience. According to Rand, reason plays an essential role in forming and developing our knowledge. While the senses are the source for all knowledge, reason integrates all our perceptual data into concepts and principles. Reason stands as the foundation of all human achievements. Concepts are objectively real and bonded to the concrete world Concepts are readily accessible to man through his reason; making man rational

4 Basic Tenets of Rand’s Philosophy 2.Individualism: a belief that man exists for his own sake and his own productive labor, not for others. The individualist is concerned with his own productive labor, which he does proudly and efficiently, and he doesn’t interfere with the work of others either to help or hinder them.

4 Basic Tenets of Rand’s Philosophy 3.Capitalism: an economic and social system in which all property is privately owned and production for profit exists under private management and free enterprise. “Laissez-faire capitalism opposes government regulations, concessions, subsidies, and involuntary taxes, and strives to protect the rights of private property owners.

4 Basic Tenets of Rand’s Philosophy 4.Atheism: a disbelief in or a denial of the existence of a god or higher power. Rand declared herself anti-mystical, meaning that she did not place any being or cause above man.

Other terms related to Objectivism Collectivism Collectivism: The system of ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively, usually under the supervision of a government. Altruism: Altruism: concern for the welfare of others; selflessness. Rand’s use of the term takes it to the extreme of self-sacrifice and even self-immolation (self-destruction) for the benefit of others. Egoism Egoism: concern for one’s own interests; the ethical belief that self-interest is the just and proper motive for all human conduct. One’s actions benefit oneself.