Informational Interviews & NETWORKING Career Center Workshop
What is Networking ? Making business contacts for future jobs Exploring options in your chosen field – through CONTACTS How to Do It Old School Networking – meeting people face to face, “Cocktail Parties” New School – Online social networking Informational Interviews Why Do It 80% of quality jobs come from networking!
How to Network Old School: “Cocktail Party” Cocktail Party Sound Bite ( AKA “Elevator speech”) What do you want to do? Get a job? Get an internship? Explore a field? Sell an idea? Answer “Tell me about yourself?” Meet SamSam Meet LillyLilly
How to Network Write your Sound Bite Your name Something about you Your networking goal
Informational Interviews Who/what do you want to know? Who is in your Circle of Influence? Family & Friends of family Your friends – their parents Teachers, instructors, business people & associations LinkedIn Everyone you meet LinkedIn
Informational Interviews DO YOUR HOMEWORK! (Google…)Google Make a list of your top 5-10 companies/fields/people of interest
Follow-Up Most important and hardest to do s Calls Cards or letters (snail mail) Drop by Attend things they attend