How Reporting, BI, and Advanced Analytics can work for you Centricity LIVE April 30, 2015
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Signpost Introductions From actionable reports to advanced analytics Reporting Business Intelligence Advanced analytics DenialsIQ™ How to read DenialsIQ™ insights
Introductions Travis Frosch – GEHC – Senior Product Manager
From actionable reports to advanced analytics Sets the table for what solution works best for you (customer)
From actionable reports to advanced analytics Reporting (Data Mining) Business Intelligence Advanced Analytics Definition Analyzes or extracts data from a database to identify patterns or relationships. Extracts and analyzes various forms of data, with specialized applications to support business operations. A data mining process that creates statistical models to predict future probabilities and trends. Functionality Real-time, native reporting tools to monitor daily activities. Infrastructure to support optimized historical reporting and dashboarding from multiple data sources. Advanced algorithms and intuitive, interactive visualizations to easily digest and represent large, complex datasets and concepts. Customer Benefit Insight into what is happening Insight into why it happen? Insight into what will happen next and what should I do? Sets the table for what solution works best for you (customer)
Reporting Ex: DeepSee Move to leverage existing licenses Real-time, native reporting tools to monitor daily activities Insight into what is happening now Mostly in simple graphs or tabular format
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Informatics for Centricity Business, Centricity EMR, and Group Management Infrastructure to support optimized historical reporting and dashboarding from multiple data sources Insight into why it happen Automated functionality *GM discussion occurring with Origin
Business Intelligence Platform update Complete web-based deployment Better performance Rapid response install (6 weeks) Subscription pricing (opex) Install 100 hrs. Customization 50hrs. 25 new reports and dashboards Available now Post install customization/ consulting Centricity Business Informatics v5.3
Advanced Analytics
Advanced Analytics DenialsIQ™ Analytics platform built on Predix for Healthcare Using FastWorks + developing framework Advanced algorithms and intuitive, interactive visualizations to easily digest and represent large, complex datasets and concepts. Insight into what will happen next and what should I do?
Denials are impacting key profitability ratios across the revenue cycle and reducing cost to collect Increase Costs Reduce Revenue 50 days, median A/R 5.8% of hospital net patient revenue is bad debt, driven by denials 3.8% of claims denied on first submission A/R days 50 (median) - HFMA Key Hospital Financial Statistics and Ratio Medians. December 2014 $25 re-work & 50-65% never worked -- MGMA Connection magazine, February 2014 You might be losing thousands of dollars per month in 'unclean' claims The percentage of claims denied on first submission is 3.8%, according to MGMA’s most recent study, “Cost Survey Report: 2013 Report Based on 2012 Data.” – Medical Economics 50 to 65% of denials are never worked $25 cost per re-worked claim
Maximizing customer success DenialsIQ™ from GE Healthcare IT helps customers improve financial performance with powerful insights Advanced algorithm developed by GRC identifies the root cause of denials trends Maximizing customer success Software solution, built on Predix, refined by customers using FastWorks GE’s best and brightest shows that we are leveraging GE’s big brains and enterprise capabilities The Fastworks story really resonates with customers – it matters to them that the solution was developed hand and hand with customers (like them) FHC platform shows that we are leveraging healthcare specific technology and GE’s deep experience in healthcare This slide differentiates our solution from enterprise BI vendors w/out healthcare domain expertise and healthcare legacy vendors who lack enterprise BI capabilities. GE’s experience in Rev Cycle/consulting amplify performance
DenialsIQ™ identifies patterns based on root cause and prioritizes based on value, providing powerful insights without research that drive action Traditional denial resolution approach With Insights DenialsIQ™ “The stuff we don’t know about.” How Expected Invoice Count Denied Charges Root Cause Algorithm Dynamic Visualization A “pile” of denials, each with a reason 300 denials x 1 (unsorted) Trends queried based on experience, intuition Patterns are identified automatically, can be resolved as a unit and common themes provide context without research Where are my most costly and unexpected denials trends? How do I fix them more effectively?
How to read DenialsIQ™ insights
Dynamic visualizations display trends based on user value Color indicates level of expectedness based on past history #7 17/$167k Pattern #7 17 denials within pattern $167k in denied charges # of factors contributing to a pattern Reduce cost to collect by focusing resources on solving, not finding, your most valuable problems.
What are my largest opportunities? Help me explore my data to understand my problems. What are the root causes I can address as a set and stop from recurring? What are the patterns of my recent denials?
Thank you!