Culver City Middle School BEYOND THE WALLS
EDUCATION Education is what you learn in the classroom Education is what you learn 24/7
Panther Programs that enhance student achievement BEYOND THE WALLS AVID Band/choir recitals CCMS Intervention Programs –STEP Strategies toward Educational Progress Cheer competitions Mock Trial Panther P.A.L.’s Student Court Yearbook
Panther 8 th graders are nominated by staff/self 12 weeks of training show us how to: Listen to needs of students Brainstorm on ways to solve problems Lead on and off campus P.A.L.’s are: R espectful, R esponsible, E mpathetic, C onfidential P.A.L.’s training will help us in high school and beyond P.A.L. training improves the climate & safety at CCMS
What is ? AVID is an academic, regularly scheduled elective class based on writing as a tool of learning, inquiry method, and collaborative grouping. The three main components of the program are: that strengthens writing skills; prepares students for rigorous coursework by college tutors; aides with study/ organizational skills; assists students with college applications college tours; guest speakers
Students With Academic Potential Average to high test scores GPA College potential with support Desire and determination Meets One or More of the Following Criteria First to attend college Historically underserved in four-year colleges Low income Special circumstances The Student PROFILE
95% are enrolled in a college or university 71% are attending a four-year university 24% are attending a two-year college 75% of the graduates are working either full or part-time to send themselves through college California Graduates CREATE, Center for Research and Evaluation in Education, 1999, Palo Alto, CA (AVID students in California schools)
Paradigm SHIFT What do our clients WANT? CCMS Parent Survey in Fall & Spring Panther Counselors responded IMMEDIATELY College Night 60% of parents Career Assessment 56% of parents Study Skills 53% of parents Newsletter including: -Tips of parenting teens -Counseling services -“How to help my student in school” 48% of parents
Panther COLLEGE Week Presented by COUNSELING Team & A.V.I.D. All students and staff created a college pennant in homeroom. Pennants included GPA & SAT scores needed, famous graduates. * Winners * received a Border’s Gift Card Two 10’ MAPS showing alma mater of all staff & faculty
Counselors & A.V.I.D. present COLLEGE NIGHT College night with over 250 attending Opening session and questions/answer session. Three breakout sessions: –The Road to College Starts Now –A – G requirements –Financial Aide
COLLEGE JEOPARDY College week culminated with 5 teachers competing for the crown of “Master of College Knowledge” Panther Alex Trebeck was Don Guthrie wearing Master’s robe Sarah Delaney( UNC-Chapel Hill) beat Eric Foster (UTAustin) by one question.
NATIONAL STANDARDS for School Counseling Four CCMS Counselors: 50 years experience in Counseling, PPS credentials Adopted ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs. CCMS COUNSELORS: Align the counseling program with the school’s missions and school improvement plan Partner as leaders for systemic change Ensure Equity and Access Involve the entire school community to promote academic, career and personal/social development for EVERY student (equity/access)
National Standards DOMAINS To promote and enhance the learning process, counselors serve ALL students under three domains: This year we began by establishing : College Going Culture Peer Assistant Leaders P.A.L.’s Career assessments and yr. long series of career speakers Academic Domain Social/Emotional Domain Career Domain
SEQUENTIAL Guidance CURRICULUM CCMS Counselors are designing a SEQUENTIAL guidance CURRICULUM that will be delivered to ALL students. Implementation will be completed in 2008 – 2009 Grade ACADEMIC DOMAIN: PERSONAL/ EMOTIONAL DOMAIN: CAREER DOMAIN: 6 th Panther Cub’s Study Skills Group Conflict Management & Resolution Skills “Like What You Do” 7 th 6 year Academic Plan “Stepping Out”Career Assessment 8 th “Getting Ready For High school” “Choices”Career Speaker Series
Paradigm SHIFT OLD - What do counselors DO? NEW – How are students DIFFERENT because of the school counseling program? NEW – Guidance CURRICULUM PROGRAM that: Focuses on outcomes and improved results Measures impact related to goals Attends to goals, objectives and outcomes Changes and adapts to be more responsive RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS
MEASUREMENTS Collecting DATA – after class presentations by counselors, students at CCMS were able to correctly answer the following: Do Community College classes taken in high school count for college admission? 95.5% What is the CAHSEE? 88.6% Do D’s count for college admission? 90.5% Counselors EXIST to Effect Change in Students so they; ACQUIRE: Knowledge, Skills, Positive Attitude IMPROVE: Attendance, Behavior, Academic Achievement
“ We need to be the change we want to see happen. We are the leaders we have been waiting for.” Gandhi