Stopping Industrialisation of the Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the great natural wonders of the world.
It is also home to one of the largest coal export ports in the world…
And a proposal to build the world’s biggest coal port here at Abbot Point.
Greenpeace Australia Pacific February 2010
The power of collective impact Many national and international NGO’s Different approaches, different priorities Engagement with impacted industries Engagement with scientists Research based communications strategy Co-ordination and co-operation Whole FAR greater than the sum of the parts
Over 1.5 million people engaged online; Tens of thousands on the streets; 240 coral reef scientists call for no dumping on the Reef; Government and industry on the defensive; All port expansion plans delayed by at least 12 months; One port expansion (in Fitzroy Delta) abandoned for good; BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Lend Lease, Anglo American, Glencore Xstrata have all withdrawn from coal ports along the Reef; We are on a trajectory to win and need to keep the pressure on. Campaign Outcomes so far