Clean Energy Industry is Significant 5,985 Firms
And Continues to Grow Employment (top) and Firm (bottom) Growth
Three Pillars of Growth
Massachusetts is an Attractive Local Market Percentage of customers in MA
Global markets are Growing
Private Investment Fuels Innovation Ecosystem MA is #1 in per-capita in early-stage and growth equity Investment MA is behind only California in total dollars invested in clean energy companies
Clean Energy Job Growth by Activity
Engineering Jobs - Overall
A Highly Educated Workforce
Potential Threats to Growth
Difficulty Hiring is on the Rise About one in five businesses report great difficulty finding workers This is up from only 10% in Nearly one in four face difficulty finding experienced workers Firms are still “making do” but concern is growing
Clean Energy Workers Experience Profile [Caption] 64.6% 90.4%
Capital Needs Installation, Sales and Professional Services R&D, Engineering and Manufacturing Capital Sources
Federal Investments Down, MA Share Rises MA funding is 98% DOE funding, and captured 28% of ARPA-E grant allocation in 2013
Technology Highlights
Energy Efficiency Highlights
Renewable Energy Highlights
GHG Management Alternative Transportation
Massachusetts Regional Employment
Methodology Employer survey based methodology 1,891 firms responded Stratified, clustered sample of firms to be representative by size, region, and type Includes “known” firms and sampling from likely industries Margin of error well below industry standard Executive interviews with employers i3 investment data