Interview Process
Get Your Facts Straight Gather Information p.212 ◦Read A Few Articles ◦Go online and do research ◦Contact someone who works there *** ◦Ask people at other companies with similar positions to the one you’re applying for about their jobs ◦Find out information about the product they’re selling
Interview Types Know What Type of Interview You’re Going To ◦Types of Interviews One on One Interviews Multiple Interviewers/Interviewees College Interviews and “Home Visit” Interviews Multiple Interviews
But..What Will I WEAR!? Dress For Success ◦For Professional Interviews always dress a bit nicer than the uniform required for the job ◦If an employer tells you they want a specific type of clothing, wear that ◦If necessary, make sure your: Piercing are taken out Tattoos are covered Hair is neat Clothing matches
Check it off Before You Leave Your House ◦Do you have 2 copies of your resumé? 3 references in case they ask? Other items they may ask for? ◦Have I prepared 2-3 questions to ask the interviewer? ◦One more “once over” in a mirror ◦Am I leaving on time?
How on time should I be? minutes early
During The Interview To greet the interviewer ◦Look them in the eye ◦Smile ◦Shake their hand ◦Restate your name (Preferably all at once)
During the Interview Part 2 Make sure you’re sitting up straight Make good eye contact with the employer Try to remember the interviewers name and use it during the interview Make sure you turned off your cellphone, alarm on your watch, etc
During The Interview Part 3 Remember to establish a theme and make bridges Don’t always just answer a question, throw in an example If you make a mistake ◦Move on, and don’t worry about it ◦Learn from your mistakes Finally, thank the interviewer
Interview Practice
Get out one sheet of paper Put your name at the top The person providing feedback will use their paper to write down the feedback they provide to the interviewee. Write neatly. Everyone will use their paper at the end of the class for another assignment.
Interview Practice Interviewer: You are playing the role of the manager who is hiring for an open position at your place of business. Use the questions on the slips of paper. Interviewee: Introduce yourself, keep a good conversational pace, have good energy, make good eye contact, make at least one positive point about yourself, ask at least one question. Feedback: Provide at least 2 pieces of feedback for the interviewee
Interview Practice Once the interview is done, provide feedback to the interviewee then exchange roles. New interviewer, interviewee, and feedback Everyone in the group does all three parts. If we have time, we will change groups. If you have 4 people in your group, you will have two people providing feedback each time.
Interview Practice Using the book, complete the following assignment: ◦“Speech Vocabulary” page 226 ◦“To Remember” page 227