Haley Sullivan, Mathilde Perez-Huet
Plasmodium Protists: apicomplexans Parasitic Release sporozoites into hosts Complex life cycles
Life Cycle
Coral Reef Relationships Polyps Algae Zooxanthellae Great Barrier Reef Accumulating pollution Stress
Polyps Coral reefs are found in shallow costal zones of warm tropical oceans Formed by massive colonies of POLYPS POLYPS secrete a protective crust of limestone (calcium carbonate) around their soft bodies. When they die, they leave behind their skeletons for animal usage.
Algae and Zooanthellae Coral reefs are formed by a relationship between POLYPS and tiny single celled ALGAE called ZOOANTHELLAE. ZOOANTHELLAE live inside the tissues of the POLYPS. ZOOANTHELLAE provide the POLYPS with color, food, and oxygen. In return the POLYPS provide a home for the ALGAE.
Great Barrier Reef Coral reefs provide : 1) Remove CO2 in the atmosphere 2) Act as a natural barrier 3) Give habitats for marine species 4) Provided tourism and fishing
Accumulating pollution and Stress 60% of coral reefs are threatened by coastal development,over fishing, ACCUMULATING POLLUTION, and warmer temperatures. Coral bleaching- coral becomes STRESSED and expels its ALGAE. This happens due to rising water temperature and runoff prevents photosynthesis. Unless the STRESS is removed, the ALGAE dies and the coral is unable to grow or repair itself. Takes up to a 1000 years to recover.