Measures that matter: Designing and developing your own Balanced Scorecard Karin de Jager & Jim Self 7th Northumbria International Conference on Performance.


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Presentation transcript:

Measures that matter: Designing and developing your own Balanced Scorecard Karin de Jager & Jim Self 7th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services An IFLA Satellite Conference

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 2 Programme: 14h00 – 14h40: Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard. The South African environment. Implementing a Scorecard with measures that matter. Karin de Jager 14h h20: The Balanced Scorecard in practice: how it works and what it can tell us. Problems, pitfalls & solutions. Jim Self 15h20 – 16h40:Small group work: Develop the outline of a Balanced Scorecard for a particular institution. Specify three metrics (with targets) for the four quadrants. 16h40 – 17h30: Reportback session with comment & feedback from speakers & participants.

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 3 Measures that matter in SA: an Introduction Higher Education Evaluation in SA Dealing with too much data Assessing Quality Different Perspectives The Balanced Scorecard Measures & Targets Components of a Scorecard

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 4 Higher Education Evaluation 2004 HEQC responsible for Quality Assurance Quality Audits mandated CHELSA established own QA Subcommittee Two documents: Measures for Quality; and a Guide to the Self Review of University Libraries, to assist Large number of possible indicators. but not prescriptive Individual libraries to select most appropriate for own circumstances

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 5 Data, data everywhere Over-complexity often a cause for failure Useful information can drown in too much detail Collecting and sorting through too much information can become more trouble than it is worth One way of attempting to manage this deluge of data, is to focus on only a small number of meaningful indicators

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 6 What is Quality? Fitness for purpose Never static or finally achieved Accurate measurement essential “If something can’t be measured, it can’t be understood. If it can’t be understood, it can’t be controlled; if it can’t be controlled, it can’t be improved” (Harrington)

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 7 Quality in libraries seen from different points of view The consumers of library services: Diverse in nature: from first year to advanced research Library workers: Have to be competent in wide range of services Institutional funding authorities: Objectives addressed & value for money? Overall strategic perspective: Ensure fitness for purpose into the future

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 8 Balanced Scorecard: One approach Commercial management tool Defines organization's long-term strategy Specific, measurable goals From different perspectives Attempts to integrate large amounts of diverse data into a single system

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 9 Scorecard perspectives User perspective: "how well is the library meeting the needs or expectations of its users?” Finance perspective: "how well are the library's finances managed to achieve its mission?" Internal process perspective: "how do the library's internal processes function to deliver library collections and services efficiently?" Future, learning or growth perspective: "how well is the library positioned to ensure that goals are met in the future?"

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 10 Balanced Scorecard illustrated Finance perspective User perspective Process perspective Future/ Learning perspective

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 11 Vision at the centre E.g. a “First Class African research and teaching university” What does this mean? First class? Benchmark internationally African? How African are we really, and how can we demonstrate & measure this? Evidence of support for research & teaching?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 12 Indicators must be measurable Surveys Users, e.g. LibQUAL+ Availability Financial expenditure Totals or per unit Time expended E.g. on acquisitions, cataloguing, ILL Counts and tallies of processes and services Targets to see how well one is doing

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 13 Constructing a Balanced Scorecard Select a limited number of meaningful indicators for each quadrant Select targets for each indicator Four quadrants: User perspective Internal processes perspective Finance perspective Future/growth perspective

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 14 User Perspective (1) User satisfaction LibQual+ comparative data satisfaction with “the overall quality of the service provided by the library” Adequate support for teaching & learning (HEQC) Information literacy activities? How many classes or students are taught at present?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 15 User Perspective (2) Adequate support for research? ILL provides research materials for postgraduate students & academics Extent of use: Increase in use of electronic resources (increase in full-text downloads, or downloads per capita) Access to library portal or web page, Loans per student? Market penetration?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 16 Internal Processes Perspective Efficiency of library processes: Turnaround time – how long does it take to order; process; shelve? Ease of accessing resources? Usability testing? Staff ratings of own internal services? Internal surveys? What do YOU want to manage & improve?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 17 Financial Perspective Library budget as % of institutional budget? Unit costs & ratios, e.g. Library expenditure per student? Books purchased per student? Spend on e-resources as % of acquisitions spend? Fundraising? Set target amounts

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 18 Future/Growth Perspective Staff development? Staff participation: further education; Staff participation: in-service training Staff participation: conferences, workshops Continuous alignment with institutional vision? African materials purchased? Investment in infrastructure Replacement rate for library computers? % of library computers/copiers/printers out of action?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 19 Importance of Targets Measure quantitatively Set high but achievable targets Consider two sets of targets: Complete success Partial success Aggregate regularly to provide feedback Address problems that are revealed

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 20 Targets at a glance

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 21 The Balanced Scorecard in Practice Jim Self Director, MIS University of Virginia Library

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 22 The BSC at the U.Va. Library Implemented in 2001 Results tallied FY02 through FY06 Completing metrics for FY08 Tallying results for FY07 A work in progress

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 23 Choosing the Metrics --Reflecting Values What is important? What are we trying to accomplish?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 24 Choosing the Metrics --Diversity and Balance Innovations and operations Variety of measurements

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 25 Choosing the Metrics --Ensuring validity Does the measurement accurately reflect the reality?

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 26 Choosing the Metrics --Being Practical Use existing measures when possible Use sampling Collect data centrally Minimize work by front line

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 27 What Do We Measure at U.Va.? Customer survey ratings Staff survey ratings Timeliness and cost of service Usability testing of web resources Success in fund raising Comparisons with peers

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 28 A closer look… Impact of the Scorecard

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 29 Process improvement… Identifying and dissecting shortfalls

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 30 Metric U.4.B: Turnaround time for user requests Target1: 75% of user requests for new books should be filled within 7 days. Target2: 50% of user requests for new books should be filled within 7 days. Result FY06: Target1. 79% filled within 7 days.

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 31 Metric VII: Turnaround time for user requests Target1: 90% of user requests for new books should be filled within 7 days. Target2: 80% of user requests for new books should be filled within 7 days. Result FY03: Target not met. 17% filled within 7 days.

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 32 Accountability… Institutionalizing customer feedback

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 33 Metric U.1.A: Overall rating in student and faculty surveys Target1: An average score of at least 4.00 (out of 5.00) from each of the major constituencies. Target2: A score of at least FY06 Result: Target1 Graduate students 4.08 Undergraduates 4.11

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 34 Metric I.3.B. Staff Survey Rating of Internal Customer Service Target1: A composite rating of at least 4.00, with no unit rated below Target2: A composite rating of 3.50, with no unit below Result FY05: Target1. Composite score of Individual unit ranged from 3.52 to 4.57.

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 35 Examining priorities

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 36 Metric F.2.A: Unit Cost of Electronic Serial Use Target1: There should be no increase in unit cost each year. Target2: Less than 5% annual increase in unit cost. Result FY03-FY05: Target1. Result FY06: Target not met. 8.8% increase ($2.10 vs. $1.93)

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 37 Gaining resources

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 38 Metric F.1.B. Library spending compared to University expenditures Target1: : The University Library will account for at least 2.50% of the University’s academic division expenditures. Target2: : The Library will account for at least 2.25% of expenditures. Result FY06: Target % ($25.2M of $972M)

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 39 Metric F.1.C. Amount of unrestricted development receipts. Target1: Increase unrestricted (or minimally restricted) giving by 10% each year. Target2: Increase of 5% per year. Result FY06: Target1. FY06 unrestricted receipts were $774,000; target was $374,000.

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 40 Metric L.2.C. Compare staff salaries to peer groups. Target1: Library faculty salaries should rank in the top 40% of salaries at ARL libraries. Target2: Rank in top 50%. Result FY06: Target1. Ranked 33 of 113. (Top 28%)

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 41 To summarize… The Balanced Scorecard Reflects the organization’s vision Clarifies and communicates the vision Provides a quick, but comprehensive, picture of the organization’s health

August 20077th Northumbria Conference, Spier, South Africa 42 Assessing the BSC What are the benefits? Is it worth the costs? Are we measuring the right things? What have we learned? Where do we go from here?